Fifty Nine || That's Cool

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I woke up to an empty bed.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight hitting my face. I sigh and pull the covers off my body. I went to bed in a tee shirt and my underwear and now my legs are so cold they feel like they are going to fall off.

I put on my fuzzy pair of pajama pants and throw my messy hair into a pony tail. As I entered the living room there is no sound the TV and no music coming from the stereo. In fact, there doesn't seem to be any human life.

I look around for any sign of James, but there doesn't seem to be anything. I shrug my shoulders and just start making some coffee. As I pull a new disk, the front door opened. I turned my head and look at the door. James is standing there is a tray in his hands, as well as two paper bags.

"Oh, I didn't think you would be awake," he steps inside and shuts the door behind him.

I smile, not saying anything.

He sets the stuff on the counter and walks over to me, "I brought you coffee," he tells me.

I nod, "Thank you."

I felt James's arms wrap around my waist, "Are you feeling alright?" he asks.

I turn around and snuggle into James's chest, wrapping my arms around him. I feel just fine; I am just so tired. We stayed outside for a long time last night and that must be why I am so tired. I may be tired, but I would rather be sleepy when not have experienced that.

He didn't say anything, he just swayed us side to side, which was just putting me to sleep.

Shit, I have to do this stuff today. "I'm just tired," I pull away from his body.

James suddenly gently grabbed my face and pulled my face against his. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel as his neck stiffened slightly as his backed me up to the kitchen island.

His hands slide down my ribs, down to my waist. His hands grip my hips lift me up to the counter top. My fingers slowly slide up the back of his hair. I feel as his hands drift away from my hips to my thighs, slowly.

As I sat here kissing James, I felt my heartbeat start to pick up. I place my hand on his chest and sure enough he heard it beating just fast, or even faster.

I felt as James opened his mouth slightly, as mine followed. As our tongues tangled gently a soft moan escaped my mouth.

James pulled away for a moment and looked at me, but didn't say anything.

"What?" I ask. I couldn't have done anything wrong, we make out the same time every time.

He smiles, "I love you."

"That's cool, kiss me," I pull him back to me.

He chuckled, but continued kissing me.


"How about this?" James holds up a purse.

I shake my head, "Get her a scarf or something or get her some stuff to bake with," I suggest.

After James and I finished our little make out session, we got ready and headed out to go get some gifts. I can't believe that we left this so last minute. I didn't feel like walking down a shopping street in the freezing cold, so we just went to the mall.

James groans, "I hate shopping for women," he complains.

That got me thinking if he had got me something for Christmas because I definitely forgot to buy him something.

James hardly had anything to buy comparing to what I have to buy: five presents plus my parents as well. I bought all of my brothers' presents, now all I have it my parents. I haven't got a clue to what I am going to buy for James, not a single clue.

I could get him Calvin Klein underwear, he'd look real sexy in that... Jesus Vena, get your head straight.

What if brought me something bigger and better than what I am going to get that and undermine me in front of my family. I have no idea what I am going to get him.

I sigh. I look around the store as James follows me around (which is no where's near helpful when I am looking for his gift).

I am looking at the clothes and found a necklace for my mom and murder mystery book set for my dad.

"I'll be right back," James tells me and walks away.

Finally, an opportunity. I nod and he walks off. I went right back to the watch I was looking at before. This is watch is so nice that I would probably wear it myself.

The price isn't too terrible, only a hundred dollars. I bought all the stuff I picked out before and the watch. James needs a new one anyways, the band on his is wearing.

I am glad that the bag is thick and black, so there is absolutely no way James will be able to see through it.

I am looking through the clothes as I wait for James to come back. This is problem for me: I 'look' for clothes that I like and mean that I am not going to buy them but then I decide that I can't live without that item.

This time I can't because apparently you have to pay this little thing called 'rent'. It's dumb, I know.

James came back and smiled at me, "Are you ready to go?"

I nod, "Yeah, I got all my gifts, " I assure him.

James and I walked out to his car with our shopping bags in our hands. Thank god that he didn't park too far away, it's too cold to walk anywheres today. 

 As tomorrow gets closer and closer the more nervous I get, but as I feel James's hand it mine, I have this feeling that everything is going to be alright.


Hi guys, so tomorrow is my last day for these continuous updates. I know, i'm sorry, but I'll keep you guys posted. 










Okay, glad to get that over with again. Okay so now  am going back to Vena's point of view for awhile and then maybe I'll go to James's or something. Okay, super cool.

Thank you,


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