Twenty || Don't Panic

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Leah stares at Grayson with amusement.

"I suppose so" she looks over at Ryder whose stifling his laughter.

"Yeah if you count sleeping in the same crib" James speaks up.

"James! Why would you say that?! We had him going for awhile" Ryder elbows him in the ribs.

"I thought you were having to much fun with it" he rubs his side.

Grant all of a sudden breaks into laughter. Everybody turns and looks at him like he his on crack.

"What's your problem?" Leah raises an eyebrow.

"It's funny because they didn't know that you guys are twins!" He laughs loudly, almost falling on the floor.

"What is really funny is that he thought that they would sleep together" he holds his hands up making quotations with his fingers.

Whoa whoa whoa. They're twins!?!

"You guys are twins?!" I ask, almost falling out of my chair.

They nod at the same time. Creepy.

Shake that thought out of my head, literally.

Everyone in the room starts to laugh and talk and yell all at once.

"Alright alright!" James says, trying to us all. "Let's get over the fact they are related" he says.

"I little more than related I would think" I mumble.

"Okay Leah its your turn" James gestures to her.

She rubs her hands together and smiles looking around the living room. Her eyes suddenly land on me. Lord help me now.

"Vena. Truth or Dare" she asked.

If I choose Truth then I might reveal something I wasn't planning on.

If I choose Dare then I might have to do something that I wasn't planning on doing.

"Mm. Dare" I rub my hands together, waiting for what was to come next.

Leah looks like a pretty innocent 19 year old. Whats the worst she could do?

"I dare you to kiss Ryder"

I stand corrected.

"Pucker up, Baby doll" Ryder smirks.

"Did it ever occur to you that just maybe I don't want to touch your whore contaminated lips" I raise an eyebrow.

"Ooh feisty. I like it" he flirts.


"Then drink" James tells me, passing me the bottle.

I take the bottle and take one swig. I swallow hard as the liquid burns my throat.

I pass the bottle back to James and he chuckles a bit.

Why is he laughing? I did that no problem.

"Your turn Vena" Grant says.

"Grant, Truth or Dare" I turn to him.

"Truth" he states.

Wrong choice buddy.

"What is your biggest, deepest, darkest secret" I ask, smirking wildly.

His eyes widen as he blushes more than 12 year old girl during health class.

"Uh" he pauses and looks around. In one swift movement, he takes the bottle from James hand and takes a big gulp.

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