Chapter 15

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"You do know I've already touched your scarf right?" I asked him and he raised an eyebrow.

"So?" Was his reply.

I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers. In an instant, Feitan's scarf was on my hand. Feitan gave me a shock look and charged towards me.

He was about to reach for his scarf but I made it disappear, causing him to hold my hand.

"Where my scarf!" He exclaimed and I stick my tongue out.

"In another dimension where you can never find it." I teasingly said and he glared at me.

Although his glare was turned into a smirk in a split second and before I can even react, he already pinned me down the ground.

I blushed in embarrassment as I realized our position. He was on top of me and his face was really close.

My heart was pounding so loud especially when I can clearly see his smirk without his scarf on.

This was the first time I managed to get a closer good look on his face and I hate to admit it but he's very handsome.

"Should I send you to another dimension where you can feel my torture?" He threatened and my mind, as well as the readers, started thinking of something inappropriate.

I couldn't speak, my thoughts were filled with things I shouldn't be thinking about. My body was also heating up and I have to cover my face to hide my blushing face.

"H-hey! Don't say things like that!" It took all my mind to push him off me and I turned my back on him as I sat up.

I held my hand on my chest where my heart was pounding and my body temperature kept rising.

"What me say wrong?" Feitan questioned and I felt chills at the back of my spine.

"N-nothing!" I exclaimed, still flustered from what he said.

I could feel my body temperature continue to rise and my head started to feel dizzy.

Wait a minute, this doesn't seem to be connected from what Feitan said...

I looked down at my hands and saw it turning red and body felt like it was burning.

What's... happening!

Normal POV

"Oi, me talking to you!" Feitan glared at you, unaware of what was happening.

You tried standing up but your leg seemed to weakened and you fell forward.

Feitan widen his eyes but quickly caught you in his arms. As soon as he touched your body, he felt how hot your skin was.

"Fei...tan, I don't f-feel good..." You whispered but Feitan still heard you.

He was about about to say something but you suddenly held your nose as blood started coming out continuesly.

"Wh-ats happening?" You questioned as the blood continue to come out.

Feitan didn't know what to do as your blood stained his face. He watched you in shock, sensing your Nen decreasing with every seconds that passes by.

"H-help me..." You pleaded as you completely collapsed on Feitan.

Feitan held you tight in his arms as a blood drip from the left side of his nose. He knew what was happening and he wasn't just going to stand there and do nothing.

He was still guilty on the first time that he couldn't save you, now he will make sure to save you.

As he places you gently on the ground, he took his sword and looked around. He wasn't sure at first if the place was a real place or not but now he knows for sure it was Nen.

He figured that out when you told him that his scarf was in another dimension, a place that only you know where it is.

The place the two of you are in was like that dimension and it's sucking both of your Nens.

"Me will kill you..." Feitan breathed under his breath as he started attacking the walls, finding the weak spot.

Another blood dripped from his nose and he fell on his knee as more Nen was taken from him.

"Fei...tan..." He heard you calling his name and when he glanced at you, you were paler than the last time he saw you.

You coughed out blood and Feitan knew he had to do something. He had already been inflicted with pain, using his Nen right now won't burn the whole thing down, or that was what he was hoping.

Piece of crap...

He muttered under his breath, not letting the enemy finds out what he was about to do. There was a risk on using his Nen, the more he gets hurt the powerful it gets.

He knows the limit of what he can do and he's been making sure to use his Nen when he haven't received much damage yet.

Know your place...

Feitan released a massive amount of Nen and you widen your eyes as you see him forced out his Hatsu.

'It can't be...' You thought. 'It's impossible... this place blocks out the user's Nen. How can he use it?'

Now I return your pain!

Feitan was then surrounded with a huge amount of Nen and you tried sitting up to get a better view. His form then changed into something you didn't expect and a small looking yellow diamond appeared in front of him.

"Release us before you get burned!" Feitan then warned as the place was engulfed with his Nen. "I don't really give second chance."

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