Chapter 13

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Although your smile soon turned into a worried one as you remembered that he was outnumbered. You shook your head to him and gave him a sign to leave but Feitan just smirked. He went out of his hiding and the enemy immediately put his guard up.

"Who are you?" He asked while putting out a sword.

Feitan didn't even think twice on ending his life with one swift move, this is when the other four came back. Each one of them were holding different weapons. One of the guy was holding bow and arrow and tried aiming at you.

It was too late for you to dodge the attack so you closed your eyes and waited for the impact, but it never came. In fact, you felt yourself being lifted up and when you open your eyes, you were met with grey orbs smirking at you.

Reader's POV

I was shock to see Feitan saving me, he was really fast and strong. He placed me down gently to a safe place then he returned on killing the other four members. I thought that none of the troupe can defeat them but judging by what Feitan can do, I guess one member can defeat hundreds of enemy without breaking a sweat.

"You will soon join us Y/n! You will summon our master and bring him back to li-" The last guy didn't manage to finish his sentence as Feitan beheaded him without any warnings.

My mouth formed an '0' as I witnessed what Feitan can do. Comparing to Shalnark, he is on a different level. Maybe he's the most powerful member in the Spiders. After he was done, he walked towards me with a bored look.

"Tch brat, why you always getting in trouble." He stated and I rolled my eyes.

"First of all, I did not get myself in trouble and second, I don't even know these people." I pointed out and he glanced at them.

"Well they seem to know you." He commented and that was what worried me. "By the way, simple thank you is accepted."

I stick my tongue out to annoy him.

"By the way, I didn't ask you to save me. I was... just waiting for the right time to summon Shalnark here again to help me but then you came." I lied and I saw pain in his eyes.

Is he guilty?

"You could just summon me." I was shocked at what he said, he really wants me to summon him?

I thought he hated me?

"For your information, you haven't made a contract with me yet so how can I? Plus when did you start caring?" I questioned and he clicked his tongue.

"So annoying..." He extended his hand out while avoiding eye contact with me. "Me agree for you to summon me anytime you want."

I could tell that he really was guilty at what happened earlier, although he didn't do the contract correctly.

"You have to say 'I' instead of 'me' it has to be a proper contract." I said with a straight face and he glared at me.

Before he can say something, a new guy appeared beside the deceased leader and he quickly created a portal, that sucks me and Feitan inside. I felt as if it was sucking my energy as we both fell deeper into the darkness.


"At--- Brat! Oi brat wake up!" I felt someone shaking me and I tried pushing them away because I was feeling sleepy and tired.

"Frive mrow mwinets." I grumble and as soon as I said that, the person who was waking me up poured water on me.

I bolted up, only to be brought back down again as I bump my forehead into something really hard.

"Ack! That hurts!" I held my forehead and finally saw who I bump into.

It was Feitan, he was now also holding his forehead.

"You stupid brat!" He angrily shouted. "If you weren't a member of the Spiders, I would have killed you by now!"

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed and he raised an eyebrow. "You said 'I' instead of 'me' your grammer was correct! I guess it can only be correct when you're angry."

"Shut up idiot!" He retorted and stood up.

That's when I realised that we're in a different place. We were inside of what it seemed like a cave and there was a river beside us. So that's where got the water and now I'm wet.

"You didn't need to splash water on me." I said in a straight face and he click his tongue.

"You not waking up." He muttered and I rolled my eyes.

I stood up and dusted myself then looked around again. There was something weird about the place and I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I put out my hand and tried using my Nen.

"I summon you by my side, Shalnark the Toy Addict!" No one came, my hand didn't even glow or showed any sign that it was summoning anyone. "Weird..."

My nen wasn't working...

Feitan was watching me closely as he tried figuring out what I was doing.

"I summon you by my side, Hisoka the Creepy clown!" I heard Feitan scoff when I mentioned Hisoka.

"Tch. You have contract with that creep?" He ask and I smirk.

"He's very useful, unlike you." I teasingly said and he glared at me.

"Tch. Whatever."

"I summon you by my side, Uvogin the Big Pervert!" I tried once more but still no one came, my nen wasn't working. "That's weird, I can't use my Nen. Is yours working?"

I summon you (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now