Chapter 7

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"What do you want?" I ask with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"Just wanted to tell you that Gon and Bisky went out to buy foods." He replied and I turned away. "About what happened to Dylan, I'm really sorry okay? I didn't want to put your life at risk."

I continued walking away from him.

"I'm just going to the market, look for something useful that I can use in the future." I told him and when I looked over my shoulder, he was still standing there with a sad face on. "Are you coming or what?"

As soon as I asked that, he shot his head up and a grin made its way to his face. He rushed beside me and I smiled secretly. I mean I can't blame him for my daddy's death, he was just trying to protect me back then.

If there was to blame for his death, it should be me because I was weak. So I will train more to get stronger. While we were walking at the street, me and Killua decided to separate so we can go to the shop that we want.

I went to the weapon shop and looked for something that I can use. I found some new swords, cool whips, a scythe, bow and arrow and many more. 

"Hey you! If you're not going to buy anything, you should stop touching my weapons." The owner scolded me and I sweat-drop.

"S-sorry!" I apologised and I was about to leave, but two person entered the shop and I was frozen in my spot because I recognised one of them.

"Just hurry up." The raven haired guy complained, he was with the same blonde guy that I saw earlier.

"Don't worry, I'll be quick." The cheery blonde said.

Soon the raven guy's eyes landed on me and he widen his eyes. I felt my heart pounding as I remember what happened earlier. 

He tried killing me!

The blonde must have noticed our intense stare because he went in the way and stood in front of me.

"Hi there, my name is Shalnark and this is my friend Feitan. Do you two know each other?" He asked and I snapped out of my trance.

"What? No, I don't know him." I tried my best to act like I never met him before.

"Well, what's your name?" He put out a hand and I was having second thoughts whether to trust him or not.

He seemed like a nice guy though

"Y/n, Y/n L/n." I took his hand and he smiled happily.

I could feel that he was really powerful, his Nen is on a different level. Especially the emo guy. Maybe I could make a contract with them.

"Can I make a contract with you?" I questioned and he gave me a questioning look. 

"A contract? What is that?" He answered.

"Just basically you agreeing for me to summon you whenever I want." I explained and his eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Really? You could do that!" He exclaimed and I nodded. "Sure! I would love you to summon me especially in a place where I can get new toys and play with them!"

"Ummm, okay? All you have to say is my name and 'I agree for you to summon me anytime you want' while holding my hand." I put out my hand and he immediately took it.

What nickname should I give him?

"Alright Y/n, I agree for you to summon me anytime you want. And with that, I activated my Nen and both of our hands glowed f/c.

"Done, thank you." I gave him a smile and he grinned.

"No problem, just summon me to a place where there's new technologies and stuff." He recommended and I chuckled.

"Sure, why not." I then looked at the emo guy who seemed bored watching us. "How about you? Wanna make a contract with me?"

"Tch." Was all he said before walking out of the door.


"Don't mind him, he doesn't like talking to beautiful girls like you." Shalnark commented and I blushed at what he just said. "Say, wanna hang out with us for a short while?"

"Sure, why not."

We did a lot after that, we basically went to every shop and bought nothing. All of the owners was so mad at us and kicked us out, except for Feitan who was patiently waiting outside the shops. I was still scared of him because he might go try and kill me again.

Although I didn't pay much attention to him because Shalnark was doing all the talking. He told me about his group, the Spiders (Just pretend you didn't know that it's another name for Phantom Troupe and also Paku and Uvo is alive because I love both of them ^-^ it's my story soo yeah hehe) and that there were twelve members in it.

"What about you? How does your Nen works?" He asked me.

We are now at the open field, 400 meters away from the town. Surely Killua won't go looking for me because he was busy searching for a choco robo (Is that the name?)

"Well I can only summon three people per day, if I summon more than that it basically drains all of my energy. The people I can summon are the people I'm contracted with and I can summon anything that I already touch." I explained and he seemed like he was fascinated.

I summon you (Feitan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now