Chapter 12

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Slight Sexual Themes :D

Ian's POV

I wake up to the movement of Anthony underneath me. A blanket is covering both of us, but we're still naked. I turn my gaze up to Anthony, who is scrolling through his phone. He notices me staring and smiles. "Good morning blue eyes," he whispers in his sexy morning voice and reverts his attention back to his phone. "Good morning!" I say reaching up to kiss him and cringe from the pain coming from my ass. "Sore?" He questions as he giggles of his success. "Yea, you douche. You could've gone a little slower Mr. 9 inch Padildo," "Yea, but you were screaming for more," he retorts making me blush. I roll my eyes and catch the etches on his arms in the corner of my eyes. "Hey Anthony," I say, hesitantly. "Yea?" "Are... Are you cutting yourself again," I say, on the verge of tears, but I hold them back. He sighs loudly and puts his phone on the side table. "Yea... I know it's not good for me to hurt my self," Anthony says in annoyance. "Exactly! But can you make me really happy and keep a promise for me," I sweetly pout while directing my eyes toward Anthony's. "What?" "Can you stop or at least try to stop self harming yourself. I love you and I don't want you to do this anymore baby," I try to sugar coat the whole question so he won't get mad. Surprisingly he doesn't put up a fight and sighs "I'll try... If you move in with me." "What about my cat allergies," I whine, but the thought of living with Anthony seemed so perfect. "I'll buy a ton of pills for that, don't worry. So what do you say," he says looking down with his dark, brown bulbs. "Fine, but you need to promise to stop," I spit out and snuggle myself into his bare chest. "Don't worry I will!" He says hugging me tighter until I can't breath. "We should probably get dressed though," I add, when he releases. Anthony chuckles and gives me a peck on the cheek. "Good idea."

-time skip to next day afternoon-

I'm packing up stuff in my apartment to move. Our coming out video will be released in a couple of hours and Anthony is working on the finishing touches at hi- our apartment. As I finish packing up the last of my things I stubble upon a couple of photos of Anthony and I. We were so young, pubescent, and awkward. It was a MySpace photo taken off us kissing, of course no one saw the photo, unless you knew us when we were in high school. I begin to smile and hurry to get home to Anthony. It's raining crazy hard outside and was very fucking windy. I don't need to take any furniture with me because the apartment will take care of it and sell it or something. Daisy whines in the back as I drive away my apartment in the rain. I reach our apartment and balance a few boxes on my arms and roll my suitcase. Daisy follows right in front of me, already aware where we're going. I unlock the front door, quietly and tip toe inside. I tell Daisy to sit and stay as I go to the editing room to surprise Anthony. He's at the computer desk fumbling with his phone as the video is processing. "Honey I'm home!" I scream in a 90's husband voice before putting my arms around his shoulders. He jumps but melts into my arms after he realizes it's me. "You literally scared the shit out of me," he says as he puts down his phone. "Sorry, you're just so cute when your scared," I say in a guilty tone. "No I'm not!" He whines as he pulls me over and kisses me.

I take a seat on his lap and look at the computer screen. It's ready to be posted. "It's ready," I say as I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers. "The real question is are you ready?" He asks as he rests his chin on my shoulder "I think so... We have to clear up all that Twitter stuff anyway," I whisper as I hover the mouse over the post button. "Then press post..." He says with a hint of nervousness in his voice. I wait a couple of seconds then press the post button.

"Let's wait a bit before we check the comments," Anthony says as he turns me around on his lap, so I'm facing him. "Ok," I say as I give him a soft kiss on the lips. He carries me too the bed bridal style and cuddles as we watch an old horror movie. An hour into the movie and anyone with he ability to hear or see would know that this film was complete shit. I get bored and slowly begin to kiss Anthony's neck as he tries to focus on the movie. He shoes me away with his hand and tries to keep a straight face. I come back and nip at his ear, smiling through the biting. I can tell he's not even focused on the TV, but more focused on not cracking. "Come on Ant, you know you want me," I whisper into his ear, making him shiver in pleasure. I glide my hand up his inner thigh. He's starting to crack. I swiftly touch my hand on his bulge, which was already hard. "Wow, I can make you hard by barley just talking to you," I whisper and leave one more kiss on his neck. He lets out a whimper, but coughs as it slips out. "Let it out Anthony. Stop being stubborn for no reason," I say and lay my hand on his crotch. Anthony tenses up and lets out a hum. I smile at his attempt to have willpower. I grab his crotch all the sudden and he moans my name so loud that the neighbors can hear. I got him. Anthony lets his head go back and allows me too take over. I unzip his pants and get to his cock. This time it's Anthony whose blushing and being vulnerable. I grab his cock and pump it slowly at first and occasionally stop and lick the precum off the top. Kind of raunchy, but it's making Anthony aroused. He starts to hump my hand for more friction, but I slow down even more. He moans out of desperation. "You're the one who was being a stubborn little bitch." I whisper as I take another lick. "Please," he manages to spit out. "You want me to suck it?" I ask trying to sound like I didn't know. He moans in approval. I rap my lips on his dick and bob my head up and down. I go all the way down until I gag and continue. Anthony's breaths start to get heavier and he releases in my mouth. He falls back onto the bed as he heavily breathes. I giggle at his weak body and go to the bathroom to wash up for bed. Maybe we'll read comments tomorrow.

Authors note
Wtf did I just write. I was tired ok

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