Chapter 7

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Warning: Smut Level 1

Ian's POV

I woke up to the sunshine glimmering through Anthony's big apartment windows. Looking out the window, condensation covered the glass, which made me lazier. I turned around to see Anthony fast asleep, it was only 7:30 a.m. Yesterday was a long tiring day, with the whole comingout to four of our close friends in one day. Soon enough, we might be telling our fan base about us being gay. I shudder from the thought of having to do that. I try to shuffle myself deeper into the blankets, but to no avail, I can't get that fear off my mind. Anthony yawns. Damn it, I probably woke him up from my stupidness. God, I'm so annoying. "Good Morning, Ian," he says in a sexy morning voice. He turns around and flings his arms around me and puts his head on my chest. "Good Morning!" I say as I rub his back. "Did you sleep well?" I ask, trying still to steer my mind off things. "Yea, because I slept with you," he answers as he hugs me harder. "You're such a fucking liar. I'm the worst person to sleep with. I kick and hug to much during my sleep," I chuckle. "That's why I love you," Anthony responds. He lets go of me and gives me a quick peck on the lips before clicking on the TV. After a couple of minutes he gets up to go to the bathroom. Pip jumps up on the bed and I snuggle with him despite my allergies.

Anthony POV

I get up to go to the bathroom. Yup, I've reverted back to my old emo ways. But I barley go that deep and there short cuts. I turn on the shower to block out any sound, so that Ian doesn't get suspicious. There was a close call at the Smosh Games HQ where he asked me if I was feeling ok, but he easily shook it off when I got mad at him and said I was fine. Why do I get mad at him so much he's just trying to help... Ugh... I punch the wall, but the water blocks out the sound. I get out the blade from the drawer and glide it over my arms 3 times. I let out a big sigh and enter into the shower. The water burns my cuts, which feels satisfying.

-Time Skip to Later that Day-

We finished shooting an hour ago and I'm alone in my apartment to finish up some stuff. Ian is at his apartment also to feed Daisy and get some stuff. He'll be here in an hour.

Today was rough for me, I couldn't get any of my lines right and needed cue cards which probably made the video shit. Ian and Olivia, our female actor, said that it was fine, but of course I blew up and stormed home after the shoot. Yet Ian still is going to come back to comfort me. I feel bad... Really bad... I just try to focus on the Script that I'm writing. I stare at my bright screen on my computer in the dark room. "Fuck! Why can't I fucking focus," I scream making Pip dash under the bed. I slam my keyboard on the desk, making my shit computer force shut down. "Just my fucking luck," I whisper to myself. I figure that I should get away from the expensive camera stuff before I break everything. Walking into the bathroom, I cut myself 6 times. Three on each arm. I clean off the cuts and I already feel better. I walk to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine. Chugging the whole glass, I pour myself one more. The alcohol warms my body and blood.

An hour passes and I've probably drunk 3 glasses of wine total. I plop down with my fourth glass and remember, Ian is coming. I fantasize about him, getting in him, making him scream my name for more, deep throating him all the way 'till he gags. I take another sip of my drink. I hear a knock on the door and dash over to it. It's Ian. "Hey Anthony are you still mad-," but before he could finish I smack my lips on his. He drops his backpack and kisses back. I grab the back of his neck and he grasps my hips. I slam him on the front door and hold his wrists above his head. He turns out of the kiss and says "Anthony, you're drunk. I can taste it." I kiss his neck. "Anthony stop!" He yells and let's out a moan when I hit his sweet spot. "A-an Anth-thony," he manages to spit out before gasping for air. I grab his package with my loose hand. He lets out a girly moan and tries to get out of my grip. I massage his cock through his beige pants. "Pleas-se, Ant... Stop," he moans, trying not to orgasm from my rough rubs. My real self realizes what I'm doing and abruptly stop. He gasps for breath and slides to the ground to sit down. "I-I'm so sorry Ian, I'm drunk," I try to speak straight. "I know, I forgive you..." He says still trying to catch his breath. Him forgiving me triggers something in my mind... "WHY ARE YOU FORGIVING ME!" I yell frustrated with Ian and myself. "What do you want me to say!" Ian says loudly, but isn't yelling. "You're suppose to say I'm an ass hole!" I yell a little bit more tame this time. "Well, fuck Anthony! I don't have anger issues like you," he yells, but a face masks over him of fear. "I... I didn't mean that," but it's to late for apologizing. This is the one thing that sets me off. "I DONT FUCKING HAVE ANY ISSUES!" I scream as I throw Ian's backpack in his face. I pick him up and throw him back down. He starts to cry and I leave to my bed and fall asleep to Ian's sobs.

Authors Note:
well that escalated quickly.... I kinda suck at writing, but I try

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