Chapter 6

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Authors Note
If you don't know smosh games this chapter maybe confusing, you might want to watch the video above.

Ian's POV

I stop him before he can pull down my pants. He looks at me, confused about what I just did. But I really just want this to go slow, I don't want to ruin this moment on the first week of us going out. Plus something in my mind is telling me 'No Ian! Don't do it you're to innocent and cute.' Which I find sort of weird but anyways. "I just want this to be saved for later..." I say, lifting myself off the couch leaving Anthony still a bit confused and empty handed. "Oh,.... Ok what ever you want Ian." He answers, sighing loudly and adding. "I wasn't that hungry for a dick anyway today." He laughs and I begin to blush from the thought of..... Hmmm.... Stop it Ian control yourself.

-time skip to gamebang! OR TO THE SMOSH GAMES HQ-

"Finally you guys are fucking here!" David yells as Anthony and I enter the room. Mari is sitting in a chair browsing on her phone, Matt is behind Mari, sitting as well, playing on his 3DS, and Joven (or Joshua) is coming over to hug Anthony. "Sorry! There was traffic!," Anthony rebuts as Joven swoops in for a tight hug. "Yea, yea whatever!" David says. "Thanks for making us wait bastards! We're playing clop by the way," Mari remarks as Anthony and Josh are having a silent conversation in the corner. I wonder what there talking about.

Anthony's POV

Josh comes to give me a hug then tugs me to the corner. "Anthony... I may have seen you and Ian holding hands while coming into the building, is there anything you might want to tell us?" He whispers, trying to not to attract attention. Shit... What should I say? He saw us holding hands so I really can't lie, but I can't tell the truth without asking Ian first and if I call over Ian the other three will know something is up. "Ugh.... Well... Ian and I are sort of together," I say, causing Joven to squeal in excitement, which makes Ian stare at us. "But don't tell anyone until I ask Ian if it's ok to tell the rest." He has a mini fangirl moment then responds "Alright!"

"Come on ladies lets get to filming," Matt yells as we take our seats. I choose not to sit next to Ian because I'll get distracted. "1..2...3... GAMBANG!" Everyone yells obnoxiously. We get through the game and there's a three way tie for first. Ian, Sohinki/Matt, and I are riding the loser David. "I can't even ride him!" I whine as I get right behind Ian. God I shouldn't have worn such tight pants. I grab onto Ian and he starts to blush a bit, I breathe slightly on his neck which makes him scrunch up. I laugh and begin to call out letters. The disaster ends with all four of us on the floor while Joven and Mari laugh at our misery.

We all file into the lunch room for a lunch break. Joshua is staring at me, waiting for me to ask Ian about coming out to the rest of our friends. I sigh when I get tired of staring down Joven and lean over to Ian's ear. "Ian... Pssttt!" He takes a bite of his burrito and leans in. "What?" He whispers. Everyone else is conversing loud enough where you probably couldn't hear us even if we were talking in normal voices. Sohinki and Lazercorn were debating Magic Card stuff and ️️Mari was talking loudly on the phone. "I kinda told Joven about our thing," I say as he takes a drink of his water. He spits out the water right when I finish my sentence and the room becomes silent. Everyone is looking at us. Ian puts on a embarrassed smile and I do the unthinkable. I grab Ian's face in for a kiss. This was probably the best time for this and the worst time. I pull away and see Ian's eyes wide open, scared. I can't help but smile. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Mari screams. "YOU GUYS ARE GAY! I mean I have nothing wrong with that! You guys know I'm the biggest ianthony shipper, but...." She continues before she's cut of by David. "Why didn't you tell us? And why are you guys so against showing people this!?" He says laughing. "Ianthony fandom is gonna be all up on your asses," he adds. Matt and Joshua are just speechless and Ian is blushing, hiding his face in his hands. I hug Ian, making him whine is annoyance. "Come on Ian! We accept you guys don't worry! And we'll be there for your coming out video!" Joven says, which causes a chain reaction of excitement. "When is the video being filmed!" "How are you guys gonna come out!" "I wanna be there!" "Are you guys gonna fuck in the video?!" "You guys should do the boyfriend tag!" I could tell Ian was becoming uneasy and nervous. "GUYS! We aren't ready to come out to anyone yet... You guys are the first ones to know. We're not even going to tell our parents yet or even Wes and Flitz." I yell as I hug Ian tighter and kiss his hands which are covering his pink face. "Ok ok, but we're there for you guys!" Mari sighs, followed by agreements by the rest. Ian lifts his head feeling better and rests his head on his hand. "Sooo... Ian... How big is it?" David chuckles and Ian moans and falls back into his hands. "Fuck off David," I say before comforting him again.

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