Chapter 14: Spring Interhigh

14 1 0

Words: 1922


July flew by in the blink of an eye and then suddenly we're nearing Spring Interhigh Qualifying rounds. Out of pure habit, I made multiple extra strategies, even if the harder rounds aren't until October. In the back of my head, I knew these first two would most likely be a piece of cake, but it's better to be safe than sorry am I right?

Of course I also already told Yaku and Narita happy birthday. Yaku's birthday is August 8th and Narita's is the 17th.

I skip to school, beating the boys like I always do when I'm excited. My mom went on another trip until September and then she'll be leaving again on October 12th. I decide to wait for the first time.

I stop, take my sketchbook and pencil out and start drawing. I decide to draw a girl playing volleyball. The same girl setting in one frame, receiving in another, and spiking in the last. As I finish the rough draft which is basically just the body outlines, the volleyball, and the outline of the background objects. Suddenly I hear my name get called so I close my sketchbook and put it back in my bag.

"(N/n)-Chan you waited for us today!" Oikawa says cheerfully as the two boys walk up next to me. "Mhm." I say, not hearing him very well because of the loud music in my headphones but already assuming what he said. "I felt like it today." I say shrugging as I turn down my music and take one of the headphones off of my ear.

"You're excited about the matches today I'm assuming?" Iwaizumi asks and I nod excitedly. "Well duh! I never got to finish watching the last time!" I say exasperated. Iwaizumi laughs at my excitement. "Well, you'll have to wait until October because we're only doing two matches this month." I pout, "I know Iwaizumi-Kun, I'm not bothered about that." I say as we walk to school. "So what were you drawing?" Oikawa asks as he pokes my backpack. "Just some volleyball related things." I mumble as I open up a phone on my game.

"Woah! You're a high level in that game!" Oikawa says, his head peeking into my peripheral vision. "Mmm, it's my fifteenth playthrough." I mumble and he looks at me in disbelief. "That game's only been out for three days!" Oikawa whines and I shrug. "Eh, it's too easy." He starts whining about me being a hacker and I start laughing when Iwaizumi whacks him on the head. "(N/N)-CHAN HOW COULD YOU LAUGH AT MY PAIN!" Oikawa whines as he holds onto his head.

After the Matches:

We end up winning both like I anticipated meaning we qualify for the qualifiers. "Yay!" I shout as we start walking home. "Yay?" Iwaizumi questions. "We won! I get to celebrate with a bunch of junk food!" I say excitedly. "Cool!" Oikawa says and I give him a bright smile. "I KNOW RIGHT!? And my mom isn't home until September so I even get to do whatever I want!" I say as we near the place where we part ways.

"Ooh! I have an idea!" Oikawa says and Iwaizumi and I narrow our eyes at him suspiciously. "I don't trust you." We both say in unison and Oikawa whines. "OH COME ON!" I sigh and gesture for him to continue while Iwaizumi grunts in disapproval. "How about we finish the Studio Ghibli-" I stop him with a squeal. "YES YES YES!" I shout and look at Iwaizumi with pleading eyes. "PLEASE IWAIZUMI-KUN?! It would make this day perfect!" I beg him and he sighs. "Fine." He mumbles and I hug him. "THANK YOU!" I say excitedly and run home in excitement.

"Uh-" Iwaizumi gets interrupted by Oikawa. "WAIT FOR US!" I stop and turn around, sticking my tongue out at him, and then continue running. Oikawa decides to try to catch up to me so he leaves Iwaizumi behind.

"Man they're perfect for each other." Iwaizumi mumbles with a chuckle and then continues walking to my house.

That day ended up being one of the best days this year so far. Oikawa and I had a marshmallow fight, we watched the four movies I didn't show the boys, we played video games, it was so fun.

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