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Camilas pov

It's been about two weeks now since I found out Lauren has feelings for me, I really don't get why she won't tell me, she knows I like her back, though I will not tell her first like she wants I'm going to wait for her.

Right now I'm cooking us some breakfast, that is when I feel two arms wrap around my waist, I smile as Lauren kisses my cheek and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Smells nice" she said, I smile and lean my head on hers, I see she's not wearing a shirt just a sports bra and smile, I rub her abs and look up at her.

"I invited the others over" I say, she pouts

"Why?" She asked, I smile

"Because they are my friends, they are on their way" I say, she nods and looks at the food

"Is that why you're cooking so much?" Lauren asked, I nod

"I asked if they wanted food and they said yes" I say, she sighed and pulls me closer

"I wanted the morning to be just you and I, we have work around 12" she said, I smile Softly

"Why do you have to be such a nice person and think about the others" she groans, I kiss her cheek again and she looks at my lips.

She leans in and just as our lips were about to touch, the others walked right in causing Lauren to quickly pull back and look at them.

"No...seriously" I whisper to Lauren, she blushed and looks down

"Have you guys never heard of knocking?" I ask, they all frown

"You said in the text to just walk right in" liam said, I frown

"I did say that" I say, I whine and Lauren smiles lightly

"If it was just you and I, it may of happened" she whispers, I sigh and put my head on the counter and Lauren smiles.

"Don't burn my food" she said and rubs my back, she knows how long I've been waiting to kiss her, it's almost happened 3 times now and the others always ruin it.

I dish up the food and look at Lauren then her abs, I smile and then look back at her face, she kisses my head and takes a plate from me and sits down eating.

I give everyone else a plate and Dinah looks at me, I frown as she gave me a weird look.

"What's going on with you and Lauren? Why were you all whiny?" Dinah whispered to me, I sigh with a pout and puppy dog eyes and walk to my seat next to Lauren, until niall sat down there, I look at him and Lauren had a smirk on her face.

"Uh Niall" I say, he looks at me and nods

"Move" I say, he frowns I grab his food and put it on the other side of the table, I then push him out of the seat as he caught himself on his feet he looked shocked.

"Mine" I mumble cuddling into Lauren

"What the hell just happened" Niall mumbled, he sits down and carries on eating

I eat while cuddling Lauren, she had one arm around me eating with her other hand. I look at her from her shoulder, she looks down at me and smiles Softly and I of course smile back. We just stare at each other for a while, not talking or anything just staring and smiling.

"Guys, we are still here, you know" Harry said, we didn't stop though, that was until Lauren blows a kiss at me and I blush hiding into her chest.

"Eat" Lauren said, I nod and sit up, still cuddling her, and start to eat.

After eating Lauren stood me up abs I look at her, she puts her hands on my cheeks and I smile wider.

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