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Lauren's pov

I've taken Camila on a date, we skipped work and went to dinner.

We had dinner at a fancy Italian restaurant, we then went to see a movie Camila picked and it was some type of Disney movie where mainly children were in the movie with their parents, but Camila was enjoying it and that's all I cared about. After the movie we went to the beach, it was just the right time because the sun was setting, we sat down and cuddled up watching the sun set down behind  the ocean.

"I love you" I say to camila, she smiles and looks at me

"I love you too" she said, I take her hand and play with her fingers

"I couldn't imagine living my life with anyone else, i when I think of the future I think of you and me, you've made me the happiest I've ever been and I can't thank you enough for that, I can't tell you in words how much I love you Camz but...I do hope this will show you maybe even a tiny bit of how much that is" I say, she looks at me confused and then I got on one knee and pulled the ring box out of my pocket and opened it up, she eyes went wide and a smile crossed her face.

"Karla camila Cabello...will you marry me?" I ask, she nods and hugged me.

"Yes yes yes!" She said, I giggle and kiss her head holding her close

After a while she was still hugging me

"Baby are you going to put the ring on?" I ask, she holds me close

"Just a few more minutes" she mumbled and I knew she was crying, I nod holding her tighter and kissing the side of her head.

"Baby do you not like the ring or something?" I ask, she giggles and pulls back wiping her eyes

"I love it" she said, I nod with a smile and take her hand slipping the ring on.

"Are you okay?" I ask wiping her eyes when tears are still escaping

"I thought I would never get married or even ever be loved until I met you" she said, I smile softly

"Of course you were going to get married and be loved even if it wasn't by me, Camz you're the best person I know and I think that half of the gang is in love with you, I think every person who gets a glimpse of you is in love with you...I'm just the lucky one who manipulated you to fall in love with me and no one else" I say and smile at her, she laughs and cuddles my chest.

"I don't care if you manipulated me...I'm glad I'm with you and no one else" she said, I giggle and kiss her and she kisses me back.

"I didn't actually-" she cuts me off

"I know" she said, I nod and cuddle her

"Want to go get ice cream?" I ask

"Want to go home and have sex instead of ice cream to celebrate?" She asked, I nod quickly and she giggles getting up holding her hand out, I take it and she walks me to my car.

-next day-

We were in the gang house as I was doing our usual catch up

"And Camila and I have an announcement" I say, they all look at me then Camila

"Camz and i are breaking up" I say, all their faces dropped even Camilas

"What the fuck! You are an idiot Lauren! How stupid can you be?! What did you do?! Oh my god!" They yell abuse at me.

"I'm kidding! We're engaged" I say, they shut up and go to Camila looking at her ring, Camz got up and walked to me.

"Why did you say we were breaking up?" She asked, i shrug

"I thought it would be funny...and I was right it was" I say, she shook her head and kisses me

"Wait! Why did you all blame me?" I ask, they shrug

"Camila would never do something wrong, look at her she's so innocent, look at her cute little face" Niall said, i glare at Niall and camila smiles.

"Don't say she has a cute little face, I'll kill you" I say, he sat back putting his hands up, I look at camila.

"You do have a cute little face" I say and kiss her nose, she giggles and pulls me closer

"I love you" I whisper to her

"I love you too" she mumbled into my neck, I smile and kiss her head

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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