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Camilas pov

I sigh getting dressed in my suit Lauren next to me getting dressed, she woke me up telling me we had to hurry and get going, I don't know where and I don't know why.

"What's going on?" I ask, she takes my hand and walks me out of the house

"Bye thunder, be back soon!" I say, he had food and water also a puppy pad and lots of toys around, I felt bad leaving him but I asked Lauren can we take him and she said no.

She drives us somewhere speeding and swerving in and out of cars

"Lauren slow down!" I yell, she didn't answer but went faster

Soon we park and I take a moment to check if I was even alive or died in a car crash, but Lauren opens my door and pulls me out.

"Gun" she said, I take my gun out and look at her, we were at a house again I don't where and I don't know why.

"Tell me what's going on" I say, she pushes me to crouch down and I do

"Just shoot everyone you see" she said, I frown

"Lauren-" she cuts me off

"Do you trust me?" She whispers, I sigh and nod

"Yes" I whisper

"Then just shoot everyone you see" she said, I nod and follow her into the house, I do as she said I shoot everyone I see as did Lauren.

"I'm going upstairs you stay down here, I'll come down when I'm done, stay" she said, I nod and she goes upstairs and I hear gun shots but stayed downstairs like she said. I looked around the house a little bit, drugs everywhere alcohol cans and bottles all over the place, it was a mess.

Soon I hear shooting stop, though I stayed where I was like Lauren said, she's probably looking for money or something.

As I was looking out the windows I see a car pull up, I go a little wide eyed, do I shoot them? She did say to shoot everyone in sight but that was for inside the house.

I sigh and go upstairs and look for Lauren, I hear the house door open and talking.

"Lauren" I whisper, I look in every room but couldn't find her, where the hell is she?!

I hear walking upstairs and go hide, i sigh grab my phone texting lauren.

There's people here

I wait and wait but don't hear a response, instead I hear gunshots, where the hell is she?!

I go and follow the sound of the gunshots but yet again don't see anyone, there's not even bodies on the floor, the hell is going on?!

I sit on a bed and grab my phone again

Where are you?

Though I didn't get a response, though the bookcase moved and someone came out, he's not Lauren.

"Who the hell are you?!" He yells, i shoot him and go through the hole in the wall

"Oh cool" I mumble, I see dead bodies on the floor and feel a little sick, I look around and realise this is a drug making room.

"Lauren..." I mumble, I keep my gun drawn because a man walked out so maybe more are alive

"Lauren" I say a little louder, I look around but sigh when I don't see her, I see a door and go open it and walk through.

"Lauren!!" I yell and rush over, she had serval gun shot holes in her

"Lauren" I say and feel my eyes fill with tears, I hold her close and let myself cry

"Lauren" I sob, I get up and pick her up, it was a struggle but I did, I rush to the car and put her in the back seat, I grab the keys from her pocket and speed to a hospital.

I get out and rush in

"Help!" I yell, a doctor looks at me and I grab his arm and pull him to the car, he looks at Lauren then sighed looking at me.

"I'm sorry, there's no way she's alive" he said, I let out a broken sob

"Please" I say, he sighed and checked for a heart beat and sighed looking at me

"Please...I can't loose her" I cry, he picks her up and walks into the hospital and I follow, i text everyone to come quickly.

"Just, wait here" he said, I stop in the waiting room and sob

Soon everyone was here

"What happened?" Niall asked, they walk over to me sobbing on the floor, my knees to my chest and my arms around my legs, I tried to talk but the words just didn't come out.

They sit next to me and Dinah holds me close

"I'm sure she'll be okay" Dinah said, she looks at Normani who nods

"Yeh, Lauren's been in the hospital loads of times, she always comes out just fine" Normani said, I just let out a hard sob because I don't think this time she will come out.

After a while a the same doctor came out and looks at me, he gave me a look and I cry harder if that was even possible.

"I'm sorry, when you got here she didn't even have a heart beat, there's no way I can save her she was gone when you got here" he said, they all look at each other then me.

"What happened?" Liam asked me, I sob

"Dude the fuck happened?!" Louis yells at me

"Guys" Harry said, they look at me and see me shaking and sobbing

"We're not the only ones who lost her" Harry whispers

"Sorry" Louis whispers to me

"W-we, went to a house...drug house I think, l-Lauren told me to-to stay down-downstairs...I-I did but then-then more people came, I went to-to look for her...when I-I found her, she-she had gun shot h-holes in her and-and she didn't move-" Dinah cuts me off and holds me close.

"Fuck sake, was it the house with the secret room?" Normani asked, I nod looking at her

"We told her not to go there, she went in there alone?" She asked, I nod again they all sigh and we stay on the floor for a while.

"Can someone drive me home?" I whisper, Niall nods and I give him Lauren's keys and we go

I get home and thank Niall, I walk in and look a thunder, I clean his mess give him more food and water, I take a shower, get changed in Lauren's closes and curl up in bed hugging her pillow.


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