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Lauren's pov

Everyone was working and I was at a jewellery shop, I was looking at a rings for Camila.

"Hi, can I help you?" A lady said, I smile nodding

"Yes actually, I'm looking for a ring for my girlfriend" I say, she smiles nodding

"What's your price range?" She asked, i shrug

"I don't have one" I say, she nods

"Well, these here are more proposal rings, what style does she have?" She asked, we talk some more and soon I had the ring sized and payed for, I put the box in my pocket and look at a necklace.

"I'll have that too please" I say, she smiles and boxes it and I pay and leave.

I get home and hide the ring box and leave the necklace one on the bed for Camila, I drive back to work.

"Hi, where did you go?" Camila asked, i peck her lips

"Just went to get something" I say, she nods and we get back to work

Soon it was late and everyone was tired so I said we should all be getting home, I drove Camz and I home. I unlock the door letting us in, I take my jacket and shoes off as Camila did the same.

"Do you just want to order in tonight?" I ask camila, she nods wrapping her arms around me kissing me and cuddles into my chest.

"Yeh, let's get pizza" she said, I smile nodding

"Okay" I say kissing her

"Let's go upstairs" Camila whispers against my lips, I smile biting my lip and we go upstairs

"What's this?" Camila ask seeing the box on the bed

"It's for you" I say, she smiles and opens the box and smiles wide

"It's gorgeous! Lauren why did you buy this?! Thank you I love it but why?" She asked, i shrug and wrap my arms around her waist from behind.

"Because I like buying you things, here let me put it on you" I say, she hands it to me and I put it on her she smiles and looks down at it then at me.

"Thank you" she said, I smile and kiss her she kisses me back

"Should we order now or after?" I ask, she smiles

"After, i think we might be a while" she said, I smile pushing her on the bed and getting on top of her kissing her neck.

-time skip-

We laid in bed naked trying to catch our breath, I had my head on Camilas chest and her arms around me playing with my hair.

"So, can we have pizza now?" Camila asked, I look up at her

"How long have you been thinking about the food?" I ask, she blushed softly

"Yeh" I grumble sitting up

"Not while-" I cut her off

"Shut up" I mumble, she looks down and I order the food

When it was done I get up and go to put my clothes on but Camila stopped me

"Baby, come back to bed" she said

"Why?" I ask, she frowns

"Babe I wasn't thinking of food while we had sex" she said, I put my bra on and she sighed

"I couldn't think of anything but you" she said kissing my stomach and down to my thighs

"You were too good, at one point I think I forgot my own name" she said marking my thigh

"Camz" I breath out when she ran her tongue through my slit

As Camila was pleasing me the door knock

"Fuck" I groan, I grab some joggers and a t-shirt from my closet and go downstairs grabbing the food, I sigh and place it on the table.

"Camz!" I call, she came down in one of my shirts and that's it

"Forget the food" she said while getting on her knees, she pulls my joggers down and retuned to pleasing me.

"Camz, the pizza will get cold" I said breathily

"Then you eat" she said, I threw my head back with a moan when she sucked on my clit

"I'm good, keep going" I moan out

Soon my legs were shaking and I was moaning out Camilas name, she cleans me up with her tongue and kisses her way back up to me also pulling up my joggers.

"I'm sorry" she whispers, I kiss her and she smiles into it

"Forgiven" I mumble, she giggles and kisses my neck softly, she washes her hands and then grabs some pizza she sits next me and we eat.

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