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Camilas pov

"Camz, camzi, baby wake up" I hear, I frown and move around a little, I open my eyes and see green ones staring at me.

"W-what?" I ask confused, I look around to see

I'm in Lauren's clothes, I'm hugging her pillow, tear stains on the pillow, so why is she in front of me smiling?

"You've been asleep for a while, I'm back" she said, I shook my head

"How?" I ask, she looks at me confused

"I drove?" She said confused

"B-but you're...dead" I say whispering the last word, Lauren looks at me even more confused

"I'm pretty sure I'm not, if I were to be im doing a bad job at it" she said giggling, i shook my head and grab my phone to see my texts.

Yesterday to Lauren

There's people here

Where are you?

Yesterday to Group chat

Guys come quick! Lauren's in the hospital!

I look at Lauren and move away a little, I move my leg from her so her hand wasn't resting there anymore, she looks at me confused.

"Camz, are you okay?" She asked, i shook my head

"Baby what's going on, you're scaring me a little bit here" she said, she moves up the bed and sits next to me.

"You're dead, you died!" I say, I push her away and stand up

"I didn't, what are you talking about?" Lauren asked, she seems as freaked out as I am

"At-at the drug house, you got shot, you died!" I say, Lauren chuckles

"No, Camz" she said, I frown

"I got shot yes, I'm fine Normani drove me home" she said, I shook my head

"The doctor said you were dead when I got there" I say, she frowns

"Camz you walked me into the room, how could I of been dead?" She asked, I feel my breathing pick up

"Hey, calm down it's okay, maybe you just dreamt it and it's getting all mixed up, it's okay im here" she said, she hugs me and I sigh relaxing into her.

"You're not dead?" I ask, she giggles

"No baby, im not dead" she said chuckling kissing my head

"How are you home if you got shot?" I ask, she smiles

"It was just a graze, look" she said, she lifts up her shirt and removes the bandage

"Just a graze, im not dead, im not hurt, im here" she said, I hug her again and she kisses me and I kiss her back.

"You left, Niall drove you home, I got out and mani drove me here, I got into bed and fell asleep with you, this morning I woke up went to the store and made breakfast, I'm okay, we're okay" she said, I nod finally remember how things actually went.


"Lauren" I walk into the secret room, I look around and cringe at all the blood and dead body's

"Here Camz!" I hear, I got over and see Lauren holding her side, I look at the blood on her hand.

"Lauren! What happened? Are you okay? Let's get you to the hospital" i rush over, I pull her out of the house and too the car, I drove there and walked her in.

The Doctor too us too a room, I had to leave, the others came, it got late and Niall drove me home.


She's okay, everything is okay, I have my Lauren

"I'm so glad you're okay" I whisper into her shoulder, she rubs my back

"I'm sorry I scared you" she said, I shook my head

"No, it's okay, you're here, that's all that matters" I say, I look up at her and kiss her and she kisses me back.

"You should lay down, you're hurt" I say, she shook her head

"I'm fine, just got to clean it everyday, no heavy lifting just stuff like that" she said, I nod and put my hand softly over it.

"I love you" I say, she smiles

"I love you too, let's eat breakfast" she said, I nod and we walk to the kitchen and eat breakfast

She's here, she's okay.

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