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Camilas pov

I was talking to dinahs mom, she came to my apartment telling me she can't keep letting me pay my bills late.

"Please Milika, I'm sorry that I can't pay on time but I need this place" I say, she sighed with a sad face.

"Camila, I want to let you but I can't! It's not up to me, if it was I would let you stay here for free" she said, I sigh and sit on the couch with my head in my hands.

I have been contemplating joining the mob with Lauren, I guess this is my sign that I need too.

"Can you give me a little while, I'll be getting a new job real soon, please give me until then" I say, she nods

"I can give you a month" she said, I smile getting up Hugging her

"Thank you, I promise it will be soon" I say, she nods

"Okay, camila" she said, I smile and she leaves. I grab my phone and call Lauren, it takes a few rings before being answered.

"Hello" she said

"Hi Lauren, it's camila" I say

"Hi camila" she said, I hear muffled screams in the background

"Uh...is the offer to be in the mob still up?" I ask, I heard a few 'shut the fuck up before I kill yous' in the background, I could hear a few hard hits being thrown and defiantly some bones breaking.

"Yes of course, do you want to talk soon?" She asked

"Can it be today?" I ask

"Yes, give me a while and I'll be at your place soon" she said, I smile

"Thank you" I say

"No problem, see you soon" she said

"See you soon" I say, before I could hang up I hear a gun shot and jumped

"Jesus, what am I getting myself into" I mumble

Soon Lauren came walking in, she sat on the couch with me and I turn the tv off.

"So, what would you like to talk about first?" She asked, i Lean over and brush her shoulder as there was dirt on her suit jacket.

"Uh...what did you do?" I ask, she frowns

"Just now, before coming here" I say, she sighed

"Had to get rid of the body myself, the guys were 'busy' apparently" she rolls her eyes, I nod softly moving away from her a little.

"What does it take for me to be in the mob?" I ask, she shrugs

"Meet my parents, they will do everything" she said, I nod softly

"When can I meet them?" I ask, she sends a text

"We will find out soon, what's on tv" she said, she puts her feet on the coffee table and grabs the remote.

"I like this" she mumbled, I look at her and then the tv

Soon her phone went off, she grabs it and reads the text and sends one back.

"Tomorrow" she said, I nod knowing what she was on about

"Okay" I say, I was nervous to meet her parents and what I was getting into

"I have some advice when you meet them" she said, I look at her and nod

"Be confident, try make your presents is the loudest in the room, dress smart...if you haven't noticed all of the mob members wear suits, you don't have to wear a suit, mani doesn't, zayn sometimes doesn't, they dress smart though they look like they mean business, do that it really helps" she said, I nod and think if I have anything like that, I don't other than my work uniform but I has the company's name on it.

"Do you need to go shopping?" She asked, I blush and nod

"Come on, it's on me" she said, I sigh not being assed to move

"I said come on" she said in a stern voice that made me move, I turn the tv off and grab my stuff and leave.

"We are going to a tailor, he's mine so you know he's good" Lauren said, I nod and take a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" She asked, i shook my head

"Just worried about what I'm getting myself into" I say, she nods

"You can always back out" she said,'I shook my head

"No, I said I'll do it so I'm going to" I say, she nods and rubs my knee

"I like that attitude" she said, I smile at her

"Thanks" I say, she nods

We get to the tailor store and we walk in, he looks at the door opens and smiles.

"Lauren!" He said walking over, he shakes Lauren's hand and taps her back

"What is it today?" He asked, she smiles and puts an arm around my shoulders

"Today, is actually for this lady" Lauren said, he smiles and looks at my body

"Ohh! Good! I like a new body" he said, I frown a little creeped out, but I know what he meant.

"What type?" He asked, I look at Lauren

"Look around!" He said, he was a really joyful guy, I smile at his happiness and look around.

"What should I wear?" I ask Lauren as we looked around, she puts her hands on my shoulders

"You can wear a dress, a suit, just something smart" she said, I look at a dress and bite my lip.

"I like this...but not the colour, this colour doesn't suit me" I say, the man came over.

"It's okay! I can do it in any colour!" He said, I smile

"Red?" I ask, he nods

"Yes! Let me do some measurements" he said, I nod and he walks me to a little stage thing. He measures me, writes things down and moves me around, I just let him do his thing.

"Hey that's my butt!" I yell moving, he nods

"I know! I need to measure it" he said, I put my hands over it looking at Lauren

"Marco, can you do it another way?" Lauren asked, he sighed and did

"It might be to tight, don't blame me the girl didn't let me do my job" he said, Lauren nods and rubs my shoulders.

"It is a bit in the large side" she whispers in my ear, I blush and look down

"Can you get it done by tomorrow?" Lauren asked, he nodded

"Of course!" He said, Lauren smiles and we leave

"Thank you, for buying the dress" I say, she nods

"It's fine" she said, I nod and she drives me back home

"I'm hungry, what you cooking?" She asked, I giggle and shrug

"Pizza?" I asked, she nods

"Sounds good" she said, I grab my phone she frowns

"Ordering?" She asked, I nod

"Fine, get me a pepperoni" she she said, I nod and did

We watch tv talking as we wait, when it came I go to get up but Lauren pushed me down and got it paying.

"Why do you pay for Everything?" She shrugged

"I got a lot of money" she said, i nod and eat my pizza

"I'll let you sleep" she said, I smile softly and she gets up grabbing the empty pizza boxes

"Night camila" she said, I nod getting up

"Night Lauren" I say, she leaves and I get ready for bed

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