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Lauren's pov

It's the day of the robbery, Camz gave us some information about how we could get into the house and the garage, I know she's mad but she really helped a lot.

"Okay baby, you sure you want to stay home for this?" I ask, she nods

"Yep, I'm not part of this stupid thing" she said, I nod and kiss her head

"Actually I might go out with Dinah and do some shopping, how long will this take?" She asked, i shook my head.

"How about i text you when we are on the way back? I'm going to have to stop at mendes place, get the money so it will be a while" I say, she nods.

"Yeh, text me" she said, I kiss her and she sighed kissing me back

"Please be safe, I told you they have guns right?" She asked, I smile

"Like a million times, we will be safe baby, it's okay, I love you" I say, she smiles

"I love you too" she said, I peck her lips then head and look at the others

"Got the trucks?" I ask, they nod

"Yep, one to take the car the other to get in" Liam said

"Okay, Liam and zayn you guys take the car, Niall and I will get us in look around pretend to do work or some shit, I need the rest of you around the house keeping an eye on the guards to see if they catch on to what we are doing" I say, everyone nods.

We put the wires on and an ear piece in and grab some other things, I look at camila who smiles softly.

"I'll see you later" I say, she nods getting up kissing me again

"Stay safe, please and text me when you're coming home so I can be here" she said, I nod

"I will baby, I promise" I say meaning to every word she said

"I love you" she whispers kissing me

"Not as much as I love you" I mumble and kiss her back, she smiles hiding into me and I hold her protectively.

"Boss I don't mean to break up this cuteness but we need to be there before the actual workers" Liam said, I nod and kiss camilas head.

"Bye babe" I say

"Bye" she said, I leave and get in the truck putting in the address and going there

When we get there a guard stops me, I take a breath and roll down the window.

"What you doing here?" He asked

"Uh we're here to work on the house, the company name should be on the list" I say, he grabs a paper and looks at the van then the paper.

"Two vans?" He asked

"Yeh, we have stuff in each van, it's to make sure nothing is stolen" I say, he nods

"Let em in" he said, I thank him and we go in

I park the van and get out as did the others

"Alright, camila says that this car is extremely protected, alarms cameras the lot of it, even a guard by the door in the house so you work on getting rid of the cameras and alarms and I will get Austin to be away and Niall will get the guard away" I say, they nod.

"Hello, you must be here to fix my house" I guess Austin said

"Yes, you're Austin?" I ask, he nods

"Yes" he said

"Okay, what seems to be the problem?" I ask

"I told you over the phone" he said, I shook my head

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