Lauren's pov

After yesterday and all the planning today was the day off before we did the robbery, camila and I were cuddled up on the couch watching tv, we are having a lazy day.

"Lauren" Camila said, I nod kissing her head

"Move in" she said, I look at her

"What?" I ask, she smiles

"Move in with me, I mean you basically live here anyway" she said, I bite my lip

"Why don't you move in with me?" I ask, she giggles

"Your house is too big" she said, I frown

"No it's not" I say, she nods

"Okay maybe a little, but yours is small" I say, she nods

"And cute I know, like me" she said, I giggle nodding kissing her nose

"You are small and cute" I say, camila giggles and kisses me

"Okay" I say, she bites her lip

"Good, your house can be like...i don't know the swimming pool house, or the house we go to to have fun" she said, I nod

"Whatever you want to use it for" I say, she nods and I pull her close and kiss her and she kisses me back

"Mmm, let's go get your stuff" she said, I nod and we go get dressed and we go to my house.

"You have so many cars" she said looking at them all, I smile

"I know it's great isn't it" I say, she looks at me

"It's unnecessary" she said, I frown

"Why, they look cool" I say, she pushes me softly and we go into my house, I got all of my clothes and things I'll be needing at camilas house and put them in the one truck I own.

We then drove to camilas house, we unpack all of my things, putting my clothes in her closet, I connected my ps5 to her tv and put all my games away, put my plants around the house, it wasn't many, just 1 in the bedroom, 1 in the living room and 1 by the kitchen sink. I put my books in the bedroom and just my other belongings where they need to be, we then sit on the couch again with a sigh, camila cuddles into me and looks up at me.

"Can I tell you something? I mean this usually comes before the whole moving in thing" Camila said, I nod with a smile.

"I love you" she said, I kiss her and she giggles kissing me back

"I love you too, I've been waiting for you to say that" I say, she giggles

"Why didn't you say it?" She asked, I push her to lay down and lie on top of her and cuddle into the crook of her neck.

"Because that'll mean I'm soft" I say, she rubs my back and taps my butt soothingly.

"Nooo, you're not soft one bit" she said sarcastically, I smile and kiss her neck

"Nope, I'm a big meanie, you tell everyone that" I say, she giggles and kisses my head

"Let's watch sponge Bob, your favourite show" Camila said, I smile wide and she puts it on and I instantly get sucked in and zoned out.

Camila makes dinner and we just have a normal lazy day, minus the whole moving in bit, though I basically lived here anyway.

At night we cuddled up and talk for a while about anything and everything, I cut camila off by kissing her she giggles kissing me back and I pull her onto my lap.

"I love you" I say, she smiles wide

"I love you too" she said, I lay down with her on top of me and cuddle her, she smiles and hides in my chest cuddling me.

We soon fall asleep.

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