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Camilas pov

I again get woken up by Lauren but this time it was the middle of the night, I frown looking at her. She had blood on her hands, a busted lip and a cut on her cheek, she had blood all over her suit.

"Uh...what?" I ask terrified by the way ive been woken up.

"Can I stay here?" She asked, I look at the blood all over her

"What did you do?" I whisper, she shook her head

"Business" she said, I gulp as she whips her hands on her shirt.

"Lauren, I...who?" I ask, she shook her head

"A bad man" she said, I frown

"What did he do?" I ask, she shook her head

"You don't want to know" she said, I just nod

"Go get showered" I mumble, she nods and goes to my bathroom, I get up and grab some joggers and a big t-shirt.

Soon Lauren came out of the shower, I grab her blood covered clothes and walk out of the bedroom, I go clean Lauren's clothes.

I walk back into the bedroom to see Lauren fully clothed, she was on her phone.

"Your clothes are drying" I say, she smiles nodding

"Thank you" she said, I nod and see her hand covered in cuts and bruises.

"Come with me" I say, she nods and I take her to the kitchen, i motion for her to sit at the table and she did. I grab my first aid kit and walk to her, I sit next to her and softly grab one of her big hands.

I start to clean her cuts in her hand and the one in her cheek, when they were clean I bandage them up.

"Thank you" she said, I nod and put the fist aid kit back away.

"I'm sorry for waking you up so late, I just can't stay at my house at the moment" she said, I frown

"Why not?" I ask

"They know where I live" she said, I frown

"Who?" I ask, She shook her head

"You don't need to know okay" she said, I sigh but nod

Lauren got up and rubbed her back, I knew it was sore, she was covered in bruises it wouldn't surprise me if she fucked her back up.

"Go get some sleep" she said, I grab her hand as she went to go to the living room, she looks at me.

"You can stay in my bed with me, I don't want you messing up your back some more" I say, she smiles and nods softly.

"That's sweet" she said, i shrug and walk her to bed with me.

I lay in bed and Lauren gets next to me, she grabs her phone and I watch as she typed, she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" She asked, i shook my head

"Nothing, good night, Lauren" I say, she nods

"Good night, camila" she said, I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep.

I wake up and see I'm asleep on Lauren's chest, I move away and see her fast asleep.

I grab my phone and see it's 7 am, so I get out of bed and make breakfast.

When it was done I set the table and go to my bedroom, I wake up Lauren, I shake her and call her name. She woke up, but also threw me against the wall and pinned me to it.

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