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Lauren's pov

I have given camila a few days to recover, it is now 6 am and I'm on my way to camilas house. When I get there the door is locked, so I pick it and walk in.

I look around to see her no where downstairs, so I go upstairs and see her still asleep in bed.

"Camila!" I say loudly, she shook awake and shot up the bed as she saw me standing at the bottom of her bed.

"The fuck you doing here?! How did you get in!" She yells, I walk over to her

"Let's talk" I say, she shook her head

"Lauren, stop scaring me all the time, I swear you take a year off my life every time you do" she said, I sit down and look at her.

"I would say I'm sorry but that would be lying and I don't lie" I say, she sighed and laid back down

"Whatever just let me sleep" she said, I pick her up and she goes wide eyed, i set her on her feet.

"Go get ready" I say, she nods and did. I wait in her room as she showered and everything, she came out after an hour and half to see me sat on her bed.

"Are you ready?" I ask, she nodded

"Good, let's go get something to eat" I say, she nodded and I look at her

"Get a coat it's cold" I say, she shook her head

"I'll be fine, just come on I'm hungry" she said, I nod

"I'm just going to say I told you so In advance then" I say, she nods

We go to a restaurant and eat, as we were it was in comfortable silence for a while, I then spoke up.

"Do you remember that you agreed to talk about being in the mob?" I ask, she nodded

"Yes" she said, I nod

"Then let's talk" I say, she looks around

"Here?" She asked, i nodded

"But what if someone hears and calls the police?" She asked, i shook my head

"You'll be fine, nothing will happen to you" I say, she looks around

"Camila, no one can touch you, even if you say no to being in the mob, you have connections, me, Harry, liam, Louis, zayn, Niall, Normani. You have seven connections to the mob, not even Jesus Chris could touch you" I say, she nods softly.

"Okay" she said, I nod

"So, what are your questions?" I ask

"What would I have to do?" She asked, I nod

"That depends" I say and take a sip of my water

"On what?" She asked, i shrug

"A lot of things" I say, she nods

"And what are those things?" She asked, I look at her

"What are you comfortable with doing?" I ask, she shrugs

"I don't know" she said, I nod

"We would have to figure that out first" I say, she nods

"We would?" She asked, I nod

"As I said to you the other night camila, your different, you're special" I say, she frowns

"Why?" She asked, i shrug

"I don't know" I say, she nods

"I heard that you get partnered with someone, who would I be with?" She asked, i chuckle

"You would belong to me" I say, she frowns

"Belong to you? And don't you have Niall?" She asked, I smile

"You don't get partnered with one person, it's a group. The mob has different gangs, they are around America, here we have my gang, the leaders gang, the people you met are that gang. We say belong to because whatever you do, I take for it, I'd get in trouble for it, say you were a snitch for the feds, I'd take that, i would get in trouble for that, does that make sense?" I ask, she nods softly.

"How would you get into trouble if you're the boss?" She asked

"Well, my mother and father were the bosses before me, they were for years and years, they're higher up, they don't do gang work, or mob work anymore, my dad got injured and my mom had 2 more kids, it was best they stay out. Even though they don't work anymore, they're the higher people they are the eldest people of the mob alive, so what they say goes, yes what I say goes but, if they say something, you do it. With me, I'd kill you if you disappointed or disobeyed me, with them you'd get tortured they will make sure you're alive and feeling every bit of pain" i say, she was wide eyed.

"Oh wow" she whispered, I nod

"They wouldn't hurt you though, you're they're kid" she said, I nod

"I have 16 scares from them" I say, she frowns

"Oh..." she mumbled, I nod

"My family dont fuck about, camila" I say, she nods

"I can tell" she said, I nod

"Don't get me wrong, they're the most loving, caring, kind people alive, but, you don't fuck them about" I say, she nods. 

"You're not convincing me much" she chuckles, I nod smiling softly

"I won't convince you to do anything, everything is your choice" I say, she nods softly.

"Well...I don't know" she said, I nod

"You don't have to say yes or no now, you tell me when you know" I say, she smiles

"Thank you" she said, I nod and get up

"I have business, let me take you home" I say, she nods and I take her home and then go do my business.

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