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Lauren's pov

I wake up and see camila asleep with her face berried into my chest and arms wrapped tightly around me. I kiss her head and hold her close and tight, I stay there for a while just holding her as she sleeps, but soon she woke up.

"Morning" she mumbled against my chest, I kiss the top of her head and rub her back

"Morning" I say, she moves closer to me if it was even possible, she looks up with a cute sleepy smile.

"How you feeling?" I ask referring to last night, she shrugs

"Fine" she said, I nod but a little part of me didn't believe her

"Okay, you know you can always talk to me right?" I ask, she nods

"I know" she said, I nod kissing her cheek and rubbing her back softly

"Okay, good" I say, she nods and kisses me and then gets out of the bed, she walks to her closet getting a towel then to the bathroom, I stay in bed on my phone.

Soon camila came out of the bathroom, I watch as she dried herself and got dressed, she looks at me and giggles.

"Did you enjoy the show?" She asked, I smile nodding

"Very much" I say, she rolls her eyes softly

"Come on, get out of bed we have work" Camila said, i shook my head

"No we don't" I say, she looks at me

"We are having the day off" I say getting up out of bed and walking to her, she looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"And who says we can do that?" She asked, I smile

"Me, I'm the boss" I say, she giggles nodding

"Okay, boss" Camila said, I smile and kiss her cheek

"I'm going to make breakfast" I say, she nods and I walk to the kitchen and start on breakfast.

As I was cooking my phone went off, I grab it off the side and saw it was a text from Shawn mendes.

You have 1 week to get that car you're taking a piss about it now

"Fuck" I mutter

"Camz!" I call, she came into the kitchen and smiles at me walking over and cuddling into my side.

"Yes?" She asked, i sighed

"You know that car we have to get from Austin?" I ask, she sighed

"You mean steal" she said, i dish up the food and look at her

"Yes, now we only have a week to get it, please tell you you're okay with getting it now?" I ask, she sighed sitting down and eating her breakfast, I do the same.

"I will help but I'm not going to drive away in the car" Camila said, I look at her nodding understandably.

"Okay, you don't have to be the one who gets it" I say, camila nods

"You can call the others over after breakfast and we can talk about it" she said, I smile getting up  and kiss her cheek.

"Thank you" I whisper against it, she smiles and kisses my lip I smile wide kissing her back.

"Also brush your teeth" she said, I roll my eyes with a chuckle and go back to eating my breakfast.

After my breakfast I go get ready also brush my teeth, I phone everyone telling them to come over.

I find camila washing up in the kitchen, I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck softly.

"Everyone is coming over" I say, she nods and I turn her around and dry her hands with a hand towel, she smiles and I kiss her she kisses me back With a soft hum.

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