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Camilas pov

I wake up to the sound of people Awwing, I whine and shift about on Lauren's chest. I feel Lauren's arms tighten around me, I look up and see Lauren still asleep and smile.

"Cute ass" I mumble, I cuddle up to her more and look around for the people who woke me up.

There was everyone, I saw my mom holding a bag and the others their phones taking photos.

"I don't think Lauren will be happy" I mumble, they shrug

"She's asleep" Normani said, I nod

"I could wake her up" I mumble, they shrug again and I sigh and hide in Lauren's neck.

"Mija, how are you feeling?" Dad asked, I nod

"Good" I mumble from Lauren's neck, in her sleep she started to rub my back and play with my hair.

I talk with the others for a while and Lauren started to wake up, we all look at her and she moves around a little and then her eyes open, she whines at the light and rubs her eyes with the back of her hands, they all awww and I join them this time.

"Why you all stare at me?" Lauren mumbled in some what of a baby voice, I move up and cuddle into the side of Lauren's face, she smiles moving her cheek closer to my mouth after I kissed it.

"This is adorable" I hear, Niall say the others nod

"Good morning" I say to Lauren, she pulls me close and hides in my neck

"Morning" she mumbled, I rub her back and smile at the others

"Hey boss" Harry said, we were all expecting Lauren to tell them to piss off but she didn't.

"Good morning" Lauren mumbled from my neck, they all looked shocked and I pull Lauren's head from my neck.

"Someone woke up in a good mood" I say, she nods whipping her eyes with the back of her hand again.

"Because I woke up to you" she whispers so only I hear, I giggle and kiss her she kisses me back.

"Gross morning breath" I mumble, she nods with a cringe face

"You woke up to me for a while now" I mumble, she nods

"It's different" she shrugs, I nod

"Because we're in a hospital bed" I whisper, she giggles cutely and I smile wide

"Damn Lauren" the others said, she blushed and smiles wide

A doctor came in and checked on me, he said I was fine and said I could leave, everyone left so I could get changed with the clothes that were in the bag my dad brought.

Lauren stayed though

"Lauren! Turn around" I say, she kisses me I kiss her back

"Why? I wanna see" she said looking at my chest, I blush and sigh getting undressed Lauren watching wide eyed.

"No no no...just give me a minute" she said, I sigh and stand there in on my underwear and a bra.

"You are perfect" Lauren said, she walks over kissing me I kiss her back, she then kisses my shoulder, collarbone, chest, stomach, thighs.

"Okay, stop. Stop" I say, she does looking at me

"Are you okay?" She asked, I grab my clothes and put them on, I rush to do the buttons up.

"Hey, calm down" she said, she turns me around so I'm facing her again, she does the buttons on my shirt up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out" she said, I shook my head

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