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Camilas pov

Hi, I'm camila cabello. I'm 23 years old, I live in a small apartment, I work 2 jobs, they don't pay a lot. I struggle a lot with money, I can't pay bills on time, I'm lucky my friend dinahs parents own the apartment building, they let me pay bills late, they know my situation. I have to lead money off my parents, it makes me feel bad, they don't have a lot but they have more than me, they're extremely loving and will go to the ends of the earth to help me.

I know I could still live with them, they offer me to come back but I don't want to, I already take money off them, living in their house as well? It's too much for me to take.

I would do anything for more money at this point, my best friends mom and dad are letting me live in their apartment building, I don't even pay bills on time, sometimes I don't even pay the full thing, I take money off my parents, I just hate myself for doing this.

I try to get a good job, I try I really do but I was a bad kid in high school, I failed I don't have the qualifications for a good job.

I've just finished my shift at the dinner, it was 2 am and I have to wake up at 6am tomorrow to look over a house, to see if it could be re done and put back up on the market for sale.

I take a shower and get into bed, I didn't even bother to make myself something to eat, I was just too tired.

When I got comfortable in bed, it took me minutes to fall asleep.

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