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Lauren's pov

I wake up and go to the kitchen to see camila cooking breakfast, I smile and walk over holding her close from behind.

"Hey baby" I say and kiss her cheek

"Hi" she smiles at me, I peck her lips and help her make breakfast

"Today, is just us" I say, she smiles and nods

"Sounds nice" she said, I nod and we sit down eating breakfast and talking, I clean up and then take camilas hand walking us to the shower.

"Would you be okay if we showered together?" I ask, she nods wrapping her arms around my neck as mine went to her waist, I kiss her and she kisses me back.

"Maybe we should actually shower now" she whispers pulling back a little from our mini make out session.

I turn on the shower and we get undressed going in, I washed camilas hair as she done mine and I clean the upper half of her body not wanting to overstep.

We get out brushing our teeth and go to the bedroom getting dressed for the day, I walk to camila who was sat on the bed in her towel on her phone.

I lay her down and start to rub the towel over her body, she smiles and watches me. I then get her clothes and put them on her, I walk her to the dressing table and sit her down doing her hair.

"I like this side of you" she said, I giggle kissing her head

"Come on, lets go shopping" I say, we grab everything we would need and go to the mall

When we were there we brought some clothes and shoes, camila looks at me as we were in a clothes store and I was getting some more suit jackets and pants.

"Do I have to always wear suits?" Camila asked, I look at her it is a rule and I do prefer everyone to look professional all the time.

"No" I say, she smiles wide

I guess I'm getting rid of that rule, it's makes her happy.

"Can I buy a dress?" She asked, I nod

"Of course you don't need to ask" I say, she takes my hand and walks us to a dress section, she picks a few dresses and stuff.

"You ready to go pay?" I ask, she nods with a wide smile

We go pay for our things and I carry the bags as we talk and walk around the mall, camila sees the pet store and drags me there.

"Aww, Lolo look at the puppies!" She said, I smile and nod, they are cute.

"Have you thought about getting one?" I ask, she looks at me

"I have, I just never went through with it because I worked a lot and never really had the time or money to look after one" she said, I nod.

"You have the time and money now" I say, she looks at me and nods

"I do" she said, I smile and she looks at me

"Do you want a dog?" She asked, I nod my head quickly she giggles

"Okay! Let's get one" she said, I smile and we choose a dog.

We finally settle on a dog, he was a full black German shepherd. I find a worker as camila plays with him, I finally get one and we do all the paper work and I go to pay but camila stops me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, she smiles

"Paying" she said, I frown but nod

"Well I'm buying the stuff" I say, she just nods waving me on while she kisses the dogs head.

I go buy everything the little guy will need, a collar, leash, food and water bowls, food, treats, a bed, toys. You get it, I just got everything. 

I pay and then put the collar and leash on camila puts him on the floor and I hand her the leash and grab the bags, we walk to my car and I sigh.

"Don't pee or poop, you'll be going back" I say, he sits down and I put the bags in the trunk, camila smiles and sits in the back with him.

When we got home he runs about sniffing everything, I put the bags down with a sigh and shake my arms.

"Lauren are you getting weak?" Camila asked jokingly knowing I'll get defensive.

"No!" I say, she smiles kissing my cheek and I smile

"We need to train him" I say, she nods

"Let's just have some fun with him first" she said, I sigh

"Camz if we don't train him he'll pee and poo everywhere, he'll break things, it needs to be done and the quicker the better" I say, she sighed nodding.

"Okay" she said, I kiss her head

"Now help me put all this away" I say, she did and then we spent all day training the dog

"What are we going to name him?" I ask, camila thinks

"Thunder!" She said, I nod

"Okay I like it" I say, she smiles and lays her head in my lap and I smile playing with her hair.

"I love you" I say, she smiles looking up at me

"I love you too" she said, I lean down kissing her

Soon we were in bed, thunder no where near trained in anything, though I know it will take some time.

Camz and I are cuddling but she's grumpy because I wouldn't let the dog sleep in our bed with us.

"Come on kiss me" I whisper against her cheek, she moves her head away and I sigh

"Fine but he's still not sleeping in here, if I wake up and he is I'll be mad" I say, she just grumbled and turned away from me, I kiss her neck softly.

"Night baby, I love you" I say, I turn the lamp off and wrap my arms around her, she didn't say anything but did take my hand and I smile kissing her shoulder and fall asleep.

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