Lauren pov

Hi, I'm Lauren jauregui, 24 years old, a millionaire. I'm in the Miami mafia, I'm the leader, I say what goes you don't listen a bullet to the head.

The fbi have been trying to get me for 4 years now, my family were in the mafia, they don't do much anymore though. My dad got shot in the leg during a drug bust, my mom had 2 more kids, it's just best for them to sit out.

The reason I'm not in prison, not enough evidence on me they have tried several times, judge says not enough evidence which means I give him enough money.

Right now I'm on my way to an abandoned mansion, it's in the middle of no where I've used it a lot, it's a good place to handle business.

I park my car, I had my main man Niall in the car with me, he's great loyal, trusting, he's got balls of steal not scared of a little action.

"Let's go" I say when I park the car, he gets out and I straighten my suit and walk in.

My gang is my family, blood does not make you family, love, trust and loyalty does and in here that's exactly what we all are.

We go down into the basement, I like this house because it's so big and the basement is practically sound proof, you'd have to be listening really hard to hear what goes on down here.

"Shawn" I say, he was chained to a chair 5 people surrounding him, Normani, Harry, liam, Louis and zayn.

"I promise, another week and I'll have it!" He said, i shook my head taking my suit jacket off, I place it on a table.

"No, Shawn, I gave you a month, I was nice and have you an extra week when you asked was I not?" I ask, he nods.

"You were! But please-" I cut him off

"No please, where is my money?" I ask, he gulps

"I just don't have it yet" he said, I nod

"And why is that?" I ask, he shook his head

"I just can't get it yet, another week and it will be in your hands" he said, I nod.

"A month and an extra week was not enough?" I ask, he shook his head

"No, I'm sorry" he whispers, I nod

"I have you 2 bags of coke, you lost the money, I was nice and said, 'a month you have to get it back' I could of killed you for losing my money, my parents said too! They are above me! I said 'no, I trust him, he'll have it by then' but you did not give me my money! I vouched for you! I could have a bullet in my head right now because of you! I'm lucky that those people are my family! You are meant to be family! Where the fuck is my money?!" I yell, he was shaking in fear.

"I just need some more time!" He said his voice shaking and bottom lip quivering.

"I gave you more time mendes!" I yell, he nods

"Just another week! I promise" he said

"You promise me a month was enough, you said another week, I gave you another week...not another Shawn, not another, you should of stuck to your word, a month, it was okay you didn't get it, I trusted you another week, but you lied to me" I say, I grab my gun from the back of my suit pants.

"No! Please! I promise one more week!" He said, i shook my head

"You know what happens when people go against their word, let me don't get special treatment" I say, he begged but I didn't listen and put a hole in his head.

I place my gun back in the back of my suit pants, I walk to my Jacket on the table and put it back on, dusting myself off.

"Get him cleaned up" I say, they nod

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