rainbow bracelets

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what a beautiful spring night tonight was. the countless stars above your head, and the moon right between them, such a nice antithesis. so different, yet so complementary, the night sky reminded you of all things opposite. light and dark, summer and winter, the mind and the heart.

you chuckled at your last thought. all your life you had spent questioning which side of the spectrum you were on. always changing, always renewing yourself meant that what you previously knew to be true was now nothing but a mere memory. no matter how long you thought you were the heart for, a moment came where you reckoned yourself as the mind, its traits overtaking you for the next months.

after a while, you gave up trying to label yourself based on something with such a strong, but indefinite, binary. who cared what you were? who cared if you could not find that other half to bring you balance? you would stand on your own, be your own night sky. no need for someone to light you up, it was you who brought the flame. and it would be you burning yourself down with it, and rising from the ashes, as the light this time.

tomorrow was going to be a big day, and although you couldn't stop your mind from racing, you forced yourself to fall asleep. the next day would be your first at UA, and you wanted to make a good first impression, no matter how much social interactions wore you out. at least hitoshi would be there.

the hours until your arrival at the school were not as nerve-wracking as you expected. thanking whatever god may have helped you stay calm, you stopped next to the entrance, where you and your best friend would meet up. he was, of course, late, a trait that had started to rub off on you too no matter how much you teased him about it. after a few minutes of scrolling through your social media you noticed a tuft of purple hair enter your peripheral.

"good morning, toshi. i see you're fashionably late. you're lucky i am a fashion icon myself, otherwise i would be ticked off", you teased with a smile and he glared at you, taking a sip of his coffee.

"you wish you had my drip" he answered with his voice raspier than usual. you guessed he had just woken up.

"please don't ever say that again". you turned around and walked through the gates, informing him about having to sort some things out with the principal first before you joined him in class. he shrugged, before turning around to leave you behind with a quick "don't get lost"

'hm, what great advice, toshi. wouldn't it be a shame if i chose to ignore it', you thought as you started aimlessly wandering around the school, trying to find principal nezu's office. being a transfer student meant you had to inform him of your arrival first, in order to get some extra introductory books in japanese and the general school system. you had looked up as much as you could the past six months, but it still seemed like there was so much more to learn.

moving to japan from the other side of the world wasn't the easiest thing one could do. your parents being rich did make it better, though. you were glad moving was entirely your decision, but that meant that your parents couldn't follow you here, instead choosing to stay where their business was and letting you live with a family friend. you had grown up with him, and viewed him as an older brother, so to say you were excited was an understatement. after all he was o-

"if you keep walking this slow i'll start to believe all the muscle you built from training vanished overnight", a deep, tired voice pulled you out of your thoughts. you knew exactly who it belonged to, which made you stop in your tracks, and turn around to face him.

"hey, aizawa sensei! what a pleasant surprise seeing you here!" you chuckled at your mentor- and now teacher- as you saw him blink a few times, trying to process what you had just told him.

"i work here" he deadpanned and you stifled your laugh. "come on, let's get to class so i can introduce you to the other students and finally get some rest". you could have asked him what he meant, but after the time you and shinsou had spent under his wing, you knew when not to talk back. today seemed to be one of those days.

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