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if you ever wondered how it felt waking up to your best friend blasting 'na na na (na na na na na na na na na)' by mcr after sneaking in your room, you wouldn't have to wonder anymore.

it was probably seven, or eight, or maybe six, on a sunday morning that a certain purple haired idiot decided he wanted to test your patience and practice being a nuisance for his daily shows. you appreciated the sentiment, but you needed sleep, and the past week was unforgiving in how much it physically and mentally drained you.

you could feel your sore muscles tense up after gerard announced that the future is bulletproof, but you ignored it. maybe if you pretended to be a heavy sleeper, unbothered by the world outside of dreamland, shinsou would leave. but who were you kidding.


damn it.

"TURN THE MUSIC OFF" you cringed at your raspy voice, slightly opening your eyes to see his portable speaker (when did he even buy that?) fixated above your head.


your eyes opened, only to glare at the smirking boy standing in front of you who turned off the song and sat at the edge of your bed.

"i hate you so much, just so you know"

"mhm, too bad," hitoshi mocked you, "i never cared"

a groan left your throat before you turned around and closed your eyes again. "so what's the occasion? it's not every day that the shinsou hitoshi wakes me up with such a warm good morning gesture"

"i'm so glad you asked," you could hear a mischievous grin form at his lips, "i need you to cheer me up cause i'm confessing to denki today"

oh. he just wanted support. he could have waited for you to wake up on your own, though. confessing to denki could wait.



"HUH?" your arms immediately lifted you up in a sitting position, covering your face right after, supporting your head as you waited for your vision to come back. you made a mental note to buy iron supplements.

"i'm confessing to denki today. i need you to cheer me up cause i'm extremely nervous about it. but i'm doing it! case closed, problem solved"

you squinted, trying to figure out whether or not he was joking, "what's going on with you, dude? a while ago the thought of him even having feelings for you made you break down and now you're just... confessing? are you sure you're okay?"

truth be told, shinsou didn't look his best, even if he nodded in response. the dark circles under his eyes were darker than normal, his hair slowly slumped with random pieces sticking out in places where they shouldn't, his face a little paler, his hands trembling slightly.

"when was the last time you slept, toshi?"

the atmosphere in the room changed, realisation slowly settling upon the boy. if you had to guess, he had stayed awake for the majority of the week, fuelling off coffee and a few energy drinks here and there, and was currently on a caffeine high.

he scratched his head and looked to the side, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly, "uhh, three, maybe four days ago. i'm not really sure"


"what if i made us some tea and stayed with you so you could fall asleep? and we can talk about your plan once you wake up"

"no, no i don't need sleep," he frowned and ran his hand through his hair, "i need to finally confess to him. talk it out, see how he feels. i need my brain to stop for a little"

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