achilles and his flowers

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“yo, you got the song ready?” 

you nodded, snickering. “yeah, connected to the speaker and all. you got your pots?” 

“oh, i’m ready,” your friend smirked, lifting the two utensils in the air, ready to clash them against each other at any moment. “okay, on the count of three... one, two, three!” 

you pressed play on the song you had ready, nicki minaj’s voice sounding through the portable speaker you held in your hand. mina started hitting the pots in her hands with each other, half-singing half-demanding her friends wake up.

how you ended up in this predicament was a mystery to you. one thing led to another and you went from peacefully sleeping after a great night with your classmates to blasting “super bass” while laughing on the floor as five girls tried to come down from their shock. 

“MINA I SWEAR I’M GOING TO BEAT YOUR ASS!” jirou yelled, her voice barely audible from the song now getting to its chorus. 

“TEN BUCKS SAYS NO YOU WON’T!” mina teased, waving the pots in the air. 

“AT LEAST IT’S A GOOD SONG CHOICE!” could be heard from your invisible classmate, her pyjamas rhythmically floating around the room. 

“WE HAVE TO STOP THIS, THOUGH, IN CASE SOMEONE IS STILL ASLEEP!” you looked at momo, her figure urging towards you in an attempt to keep the dorms peaceful for a bit longer. she paused the music, a sigh leaving her lips and a disappointed “aw” leaving mina’s. 

“oh my, i almost had a heart attack!” uraraka chuckled, clenching her shirt with her hands. “i’m not even sure i’m alive right now!”

“oh you definitely are, my heart is beating way too fast for a dead person” you smiled at jirou’s reaction, hoping the prank wasn’t more intense for her due to her quirk. 

the sun shone beautifully through the common room, illuminating its every corner. after your prank had gone through successfully, you decided breakfast was next on the table, your grumbling stomach making that perfectly clear. 

every now and then, you would treat yourself with breakfast from a bakery, or maybe a convenience store. a cafe didn’t sound half bad, either. you needed company, though, your first thought being texting hitoshi. 

a previous notification prevented you from sending your text, though. a distant memory of your phone chiming last night, while you were half asleep, resurfacing as you opened it. you smiled, looking at the contact name. 

gojo kinnie: 
i bought fried chicken after patrol and thought of you 

you snorted at the message, a video of your brother demanding you “listen to the crunch” as he took a bite, following right after it. 

how thoughtful, keigo. thanks for your input.
also good morning lol
i hope you don’t get overwhelmed with work today, i know you’re busy 
kinda miss you but let’s hope i see you next week

you sent the last text, your smile slightly fading.

bittersweet. that was the best way you could describe the thoughts clouding your head about your brother. 

one of the reasons for that was keigo not being related to you in any way. he was more of a family friend than anything. yet still, growing up an only child was lonely, and he was the only one who would hang around you from time to time, offering you the company you desperately needed but couldn’t get. always with those men that never failed to welcome your father during his business trips in japan. those men with the black suits and tense faces.   

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