three (two, one, go)

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it wasn't often that you got to see the sunrise.

sometimes, your sleep would get disrupted by nightmares, an anxious feeling swirling in your room, or your harsh training schedule, but today was different.

today, watching the sunrise was a conscious choice. you needed time to think, some moments spent alone, in peace, to look back and actually let yourself feel, instead of bottling up everything that had been going on in the past few weeks.

the mornings weren't cold anymore. you missed that about spring, the chill slowly resting on top of your skin and making you feel peaceful. yet, sunrises during the summer time were enough to make up for the heat getting more difficult to deal with by the hour.

a warm orange hue decorated the sky, alluring, calling your name. specs of red and yellow, and a bit of green and blue - remainants from the previous night - danced around it, slowly moving in a meticulously calculated choreography. beneath them, the rich green of the blooming trees and fresh grass proved that yes, it was finally summer, and you were on the rooftop of your dorm, watching it all. you really are alive, and right at that moment, you felt the slight weight of existence, the realisation that the breaths you were taking were pure and rhythmic, resting on top of you.

your feelings came crashing down, a drum thumping against your chest, ancient and loud.

suddenly, you understood too much, all at once. every single moment of the past three weeks was clearer now, your racing heart making it difficult for you to breathe.

you remembered thinking about people's souls singing, working on songs that changed like the seasons and described them, acting as a mirror of what they were feeling and who they were at that time of their lives. each unique and different from the others, different from other people's.

keigo's seemed to be the betterment of the world, during this time.

yours seemed to be romance.

not love, but a crush. fresh, new and nerve wracking.

and at that moment, you knew. you knew why shinsou was always commenting about your behaviour around kirishima and bakugou, and their behaviour towards you, why you felt close to them in a special, unprecedented way. why kirishima had started to become overly friendly with you (and why you loved it so much), and why bakugou was avoiding you like the plague (and why it hurt you so much).

your fingers mechanically called someone from your contacts list. he picked up on the second ring, his voice deep and tired.

"is it too early to ask if we can train?"

he waited a couple of seconds, and after taking a deep breath, he replied "meet me at gym gamma in fifteen minutes"

immediately, you jumped off the roof, the way keigo taught you during your internship. the sky, filled with warm and cold hues, the soil, a complete antithesis - total darkness, and the sky again, the plants scattered around ua. they calmed you down, in their way. like this, you could fly

like this, you were free.


gym gamma's entrance towered before you, the quiet surrounding it almost eerie. footsteps echoing from behind you indicated the man's presence. you turned around to look at him.

"good morning"

"it's not that i was sleeping, anyway, but do i ask why you wanted to train at six in the morning?"

"it's not six!"

"and that was not the point of my question," he squinted suspiciously.

you sighed before looking up at your mentor again. his black hair rested messily on top of his shoulders, matching the rest of his clothes.

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