the fool

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in the tarot, the fool is depicted as a young man, aimlessly wandering near a cliff. moving forward may as well be the last thing he ever does, as the end of the cliff is a mere step away. it is laced with danger and the uncertainty of the unknown. his carefree attitude, however, prevents him from worrying about things that, to him, seem unimportant. if moving forward is the cause of his doom, then so be it. he is determined to take that leap of faith, and ready to embrace the consequences.

the fool is by no means a foolish man. represented by the number 0, he is everything at nothing, all at once. he has the power and the wit to determine who he wants to be, and how he wants to achieve that. with nothing but sheer optimism, he starts a new journey. and he never looks back.


saturday mornings are truly the best time of the week. at least, that’s what you believed. there was something about that saccharine excitement, flourishing slowly from knowing that today was all about you that made a smile grow on your lips. every saturday went by with your rules, and what you truly wanted to do.

a familiar tune played as you started getting ready for the day. the sunlight shone in your room and the coolness of the air flowed easily into your space, bidding that stagnant energy that settled in your throat after a while, farewell.

you decided today was the day you would walk around campus, utilizing your decision to both workout and explore your surrounding area. you had even created a playlist for this, albeit impromptu, mission you were ready to embark on, which somehow manifested hozier right after mcr. it was okay, though. cherry wine was a completely suitable song for a morning walk.


the chilly breeze flowing through your hair made you take a deep, appreciative breath. you started walking, aimlessly wandering through the little paths you found, one after the other. luck had really been on your side, huh? you had really managed to get into one of the most famous hero schools in the world, through recommendation, and had started to build a home within its walls.

if you were honest with yourself, you never thought you would have made it. you were powerful, you knew that, but you were not oblivious. you knew you lacked in courage, no matter how badly you masked it with a fearless and carefree attitude. you knew that villains, no matter how right or wrong what they believed was, would stop at nothing to achieve their goals, what they deemed as ideal. and, consequently, you knew that heroes would stop at nothing to help people live peacefully, no matter how good or bad they were as people themselves. you had met enough to know that not everyone’s drive is the same.

you didn’t want to be a hero because of the money, you didn’t want to be a hero to flash your quirk, and you definitely didn’t want to be a hero to gain fame and recognition. your reason for being a hero is to help people. not maintain peace, no. you wanted to help.

being a hero just to keep people in line would serve the same purpose as being a cop, and any association with them made you wince. being a hero is about looking at the minorities. looking at the little cracks in the system instead of covering up the big ones time and time again. giving a voice to people whose voices would not be heard, through being good at what you do and gaining everyone’s respect.

you wanted to help. you needed to help everyone that slipped through the shadows, desperately trying to be seen and miserably failing to do so. peace did not come from locking villains up in tartarus and waiting for them to never escape. peace came from finding those villains before they reached their breaking point, and helping them overcome whatever caused them to self-destruct.

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