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your head throbbed as you opened your eyes, the harsh light making you close them immediately after. they adjusted fast, though, and you lifted your head to take in your surroundings.

"what the...?"

the area surrounding you was all too much like the desert, sand and humidity dancing in a rhythmic tune, every direction decorated with them and the blazing sun. that must have been the reason for the burnt patches of skin all over your body. you had certainly been there for long, way longer than you remembered.


you turned your head at the sound of your name, and looked at the person before you. taking in his features as best as you could, you realized that his figure was all too familiar, red wings flaring out from his back.

"come, under my wings. i can protect you from the sun for now, until we reach our destination" his words felt like some sort of telepathic message, vibrations against your brain instead of your eardrums, but you didn't pay mind to it. it felt natural, somehow.

as if on impulse, you hid under the man's right side, thankful for the temporary shade and small amount of cool he created.

you continued through the never ending land, heavy pants leaving your lips every now and then. you weren't sure who you were meeting or why you were there in the first place but then again, you couldn't quite remember what your last memories were, either. everything was a blur except from the heat resting on top of your skin even under your brother's wings and the weirdly calming feeling flourishing in your chest.

after a while of walking in silence, he spoke up again.

"it's glass, you know" his voice breaking you out of your haze. "the ground"

your eyes widened, head snapping to your feet. the sand glistened under the sun, almost too realistic to believe what keigo had just muttered. bending down for a clearer view, the only thing that could be heard from you was a gasp.

multiple shards of glass lay under your feet, different shapes and sizes varying in every square meter of space. absentmindedly, you pressed your palm against the ground, yet, to your surprise, you didn't feel anything. the glass was similar to thin air under your touch, not even the tiniest stinge resonating against your skin like you had expected.

"keigo, am i dreaming?" you asked, still focused on why there was no feeling in your hands. it felt too much like the third stage of your quirk's drawbacks: numbness. however, this was different, like your hand could just go through every little piece with no trouble, no harm, no pain.

"don't worry, glass is still sand," he ignored your question, "the way you look at it is the only thing that's different. no matter how its form changes, it will always be sand in its core"

your confused expression made him smile at you. a soft, gentle smile he was scared of showing most people graced his features.

"you're walking on sand, (y/n). take a breath and keep moving, okay? we're almost there"

a few steps later and way sooner than you had expected, your destination was in front of you, as informed by your sibling. it felt like you'd gotten there too fast, although you were moving at a relatively slow pace.

"i'm dreaming, aren't i?" you turned to keigo once more, only to realise his figure had left your side and was now standing next to a woman.

she was tall, with long features and a stern face, a prominent glare seemingly tearing every piece of your soul apart. indented lines decorated her face, most likely from the many years she had on her back, her hands obviously roughed up from constant labour.

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