the sports festival (pt.1)

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present mic’s voice sounded through the main stadium of the sports festival, piercing through everybody’s ears and directing their attention to him. 

“the ua sports festival! where the hero world’s inchoate little eggs aim for each other’s throats - and the top! and, let me guess, all you people came here to see them, huh?” 

cheers erupted from the crowd, everybody’s excitement running down your spine, tightening up your muscles, sharpening your gaze. 

“well let’s welcome this year’s juniors, then! coming up first we have a class from the hero course that has proven their worth time and time again, class 2-a!” 

a smile etched on your lips, adrenaline and confidence swirling around in your stomach. you had been preparing for this for two weeks now, the hard training you had put yourself through definitely paying off. you just wanted to prove that you were worth being there, amongst the strongest. 

you glanced at bakugou, his demeanor exuding a confidence you had gotten used to. the two of you hadn’t really talked much after his birthday night two weeks ago, but you really didn’t mind. the words that had come out of his mouth stung pretty badly, and you knew they wouldn’t hurt so much if there weren’t specs of truth in them. so, in the past two weeks, your training was as mental as it was physical. and you were more than ready to show just how much the world needs to see you. 


the first event was the same as last year: an obstacle race. your eyes glittered, hope reflecting on them. speed was one of your biggest strengths, agility and flexibility coming right behind it. 

“your route is about 5km, around the stadium. beware,” she faced everyone, her eyes darkening and a smirk decorating her face, “as long as you stay on track, anything could happen. now, get in position! on your marks...”

it was now or never. your time to prove how much you were worth your spot amongst the strongest. your mind wandered to your parents, your classmates, your mentor. but most importantly, your mind wandered to your brother. he would always be a role model to you, the reason for your wanting to be a hero. 

‘watching me, keigo’ 


you activated your quirk, a warm feeling spreading through your every cell, every hair follicle, every molecule of oxygen in your lungs, your body becoming invisible, untouchable. in a matter of seconds you were in the front, todoroki’s quirk freezing everyone in place. you deactivated yours, your balance slowly retreating on top of the ice. 

“ain’t no way that damn icy-hot and the fucking monarch are in front of me!” an explosion shook the grounds up, bakugou flying near towards you and todoroki, midoriya, kirishima and momo following behind him. 

“shit” you breathed out, your feet clumsily gliding on the ice. you activated your quirk once more, your steam-like body moving forward. you came to a halt when a metallic creature towered over you. 

“are they really copying everything from last year?” kirishima shouted, his hardened arms punching the robots in front of you, throwing them out of his way. 

the only thing you could do was look up, an idea popping in your head. you got yourself on the back of a robot, your quirk deactivating once you reached a satisfying height. ‘now, how fast can you go?’ you wondered, touching the robot and transferring your energy onto it. its size would make it difficult for you to fully control, but it would be enough to get to its power center and detach the mechanism that makes it attack. once that was over with, you’d be able to make it move on your own without any interventions. 

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