intermission (q&a)

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Dear readers, welcome to the first questions and answers, q&a of this fic! If i'm being honest, i'm not sure whether or not there will be another one, but i hope you enjoy this brainchild of mine while the next chapter is getting ready.

The segment is divided by character, so a lot of them have the same questions to answer, but all their answers are unique! The questions directed to me will be at the end. Thank you so much to those who submitted questions and to those who are reading this (a lot of people feel upset with silent readers, but as a very socially awkward person myself, i see you, and i love you. thank you for being here)!

Let's get on with it!


Q: how did you feel when you discovered your sexuality?

A: i always knew.

Q: was it hard for you?

A: it wasn't hard at all, i'm the strongest. if anyone has some shit to say about me and my sexuality they better know how to catch shit fast cause these hands are coming for them.

Q: how did you tell your boyfriend?

A: i didn't tell him. he asked me out, i said yes.

(kirishima, from the back: he actually told me to fuck off first, and then said yes!)

Q: what is holding you back from being the person you want to be?

A: being a student. other than the stupid fact that i can't become number one while i'm stuck in ua, nothing. if anything did, i wouldn't be the strongest, obviously. send in less idiotic question next time.

Q: are humans better at creation or destruction?

A: destruction.

Q: if you had to sum up y/n in 3 words, what would those words be?

A: annoying. infuriating. not as weak as the others, i guess. yes, i know that's more than three words, don't be a smartass about it.

Q: what are the most important factors in maintaining a well functioning society?

A: having strong heroes to protect you. doing your job to show that good will rise to the top no matter what.

Q: opinion on All Might?

A: all might is the strongest. for now. just wait until i open my own agency.

Q: if you died today, how would you be remembered?

A: as the greatest.

Q: what does it feel like to know that your the biggest asshole to everyone, yet only kirishima knows that u can be a softie, (and maybe y/n)?

A: fucking splendid.


Q: what are the most important factors in maintaining a well functioning society?

A: woah, interesting question! i think, for me personally, working to become as manly as possible is a major factor in doing my deed as a citizen. having good leadership and great heroes is also a must! uhh, then, maybe not littering? using eco-friendly products and unplugging your devices when you don't use them!

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