interjection (author's note)

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hello, my loves

long time no see, huh? i missed this a lot. i hope you missed this, too.

at first, i think i owe you an apology. i haven't updated this story in a while, though it has been on my mind almost every day, for the past consecutive months. truth is, said time period really wasn't good to me. i'm graduating in a month, which means this school year brought a ton of work i was not expecting forth, causing me to lose balance in a lot of little places. it slowly accumulated, and i found myself exhausted in every way. i truly am sorry i've been absent for so long, but i do hope this story still holds as special a place in your hearts as it does in mine.

secondly, i think i owe you a promise: this is not a goodbye note. i am by no means abandoning this piece, and, as of right now, i do want to finish it very badly. however, i also do consider myself a perfectionist, so until my graduation, i really don't see myself delivering a full chapter. when i fully come back, i want to offer you something more than a couple hundred words of poorly written feelings.

so, this is where we stand now. my need to write again is overwhelming, yet my energy is no less than lackluster. therefore, as big brains often do (/j), i came up with an idea! a – drumroll please – q&a!

so this is how we're gonna do it: the q&a will be divided in two categories, questions for the author and questions for the characters (including the reader). all you're going to have to do is specify who the question is going towards and send in the question within the next 5 days (03/05/2022 - 08/05/2022).

example question:
"(to kirishima) how does it feel to bear the title of best boy?"

and he will answer cause he's cool like that! the questions can range between their favorite food, current feelings, music they've been listening to, favorite philosopher, anything you really want to know! same with the questions for me, though i do ask we keep it cute and respectful yeah? yeah :))

i would love to see your questions (and i'm sure the guys would, too)! thank you so much for the love you've been showing this brainchild of mine, i am forever grateful.

the answers will get posted in a separate chapter within the next week. until then, you can also find me on tumblr @ rustytrident for shorter content, a little more often than on here. do not forget to drink your water and take your meds or vitamins.

see you soon,

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