purple, black, red pools

740 35 10

your eyes burned holes at your phone screen, anxiety bubbling up inside your stomach. that's how the past two minutes had gone by, anyway, the notification on your phone still left unopened.

was shinsou mad at you?

he couldn't be, right? the only times you had talked during your internships were to check up on each other, and though those were small, five minute conversations, you could tell that he was having fun. it was a dream come true for him, being so close to becoming an actual hero, and you were sure your friend could not have any complaints from anyone, no matter what happened.

once shinsou gets excited, he floats, aimlessly wandering through the softest of clouds, a slight blush covering the top of his cheeks. it doesn't happen often, but when it does you can't help but smile along with him.

so what was on his mind?

your reply was short as you specified the time you would get to the dorms, and turned your phone off. looking outside your window once again, you rolled it down for some fresh air to hit your face.

this was going to be a long car ride.


you didn't even realise how fast you had moved from the ua entrance to the front door of the 2a dorm building. sweaty palms tightly clasped around your suitcase handles, lungs inflating, a deep breath you felt in your belly. it wasn't anxiety troubling you anymore, it was the eerie feeling of anticipation. without realising, you were counting the seconds it took to come face to face with him again.

stepping in and greeting your classmates was hasty, quicker than you would have liked, but you're sure they didn't mind. they most likely blamed your rush to go upstairs on being tired, unaware of the beeline you were making to the violet haired teen's room.

"hey, toshi?" you asked, out of breath, knocking in his door three times. the hallways stayed quiet, contrasting the beating of your heart against your chest.

you waited for a few seconds until the door opened, shinsou immediately going back inside without saying anything. he was wearing a black hoodie, the hood covering the majority of his head. you stepped in, following his example and carefully sitting at the corner of his messy bed, waiting for him to initiate the conversation.

"you wanted to talk?" you broke the silence after some time of him not speaking.

"crushes are stupid," he muttered.

"huh?" you gaped, noticing his dark circles and the way he fidgeted with the string of his hoodie. heartbroken shinso was sure a sight to behold, and if anything, it wasn't pretty. "what happened?"

"i think he likes me back"

"who- DENKI?" you whisper shouted

he hummed and nodded, "i overheard him talk about it with his friends, i think"

you smiled at your friend "that's great, isn't it? dude, congrats!"

"how can you think that's great?!" he seemed shocked, offended even. he brought his hands to his face, the chipped nail polish blending in with the purple of his hair, "this was supposed to be a stupid high school crush, (y/n), not something that could develop into... you know... serious stuff"

you turned your head to the side, confusion laced in your features, "is the 'serious stuff' scary, toshi?"

truth is, you didn't need him to answer your question to know how he felt. commitment, in any form, was something shinsou subconsciously avoided. he had found out that when he trusted people, he got hurt, and the more naive he was towards his feelings the worse the pain that poked holes at his chest would be.

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