- Chapter 15.0

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All of this.


It was so much.

All of it felt so overwhelming. Like he was suddenly suffocating beneath the weight of it all.

Waking up had been a shock, like an electric spark flowing through his body from some unknown source. Laying there bathed in the rays of the late afternoon sun, with the weight of another body pressed up against him.

The weight of another heart cradled within his chest.

All of it seemed to surreal. Like it had happened within a dream. Like it couldn't possibly be real life.

But it was. Because Seokjin was right there. Right next to him. Blissfully unaware of the panic that was steadily rising within his own mind.

He had to get away. Had to escape. Had to stop himself before he did something incredibly stupid that would result in him losing that which was most precious to him.

So he ran.

He wasn't proud of it. But the shame was a secret one, hidden away deep where only he would ever know of it.

He ran.

But he didn't find the answers he was looking for.


Jeon Jungkook had loved Kim Seokjin since the moment he had been made aware of the other's existence.

It hadn't been one of those gradual things, where the younger slowly begins to develop a crush on someone they shouldn't. Where they begin to form inappropriate feelings on someone who won't even matter in a years time.

This wasn't some schoolboy crush on a teacher that he was never going to see again. No, this was something much deeper.

It happened instantly. The moment his eyes landed on Seokjin he knew he was lost. Gone. So head over heels that there was going to be no way to save him.

And sure, he acted like the one he worshipped was Namjoon. Tried to cling to his side like a baby bunny. Said it was because he respected him. Because he idolized him. Because he wanted to learn.

But the truth was it got him closer to Seokjin. Sure, the eldest had taken on the role of caring for them all. Had done it with so little complaint that they all just came to expect it. Had been the one who drove him to school every morning and picked him up every afternoon.

But constantly being around Namjoon had gotten him closer to Seokjin in other ways.

Because he was always there. And so was Seokjin.

During those early days things had been so different. Seokjin and Namjoon had been -

He didn't even want to think of it now. Knew what they were without even needing confirmation or a label.

And his young mind had been so jealous. His tender heart so broken. He could still remember laying with his head in Jimin's lap crying endlessly about it.

It hurt worse, perhaps, when he found out that he'd been wrong. Years later, and only after he'd had the vines cut from his chest. Because the truth was they hadn't been anything.

Namjoon had been an over eager young alpha and Seokjin had been a timid omega who just hadn't known how to be firm enough. Had tried to be delicate and soft, only to make it worse.

Sometimes he wondered if Namjoon threw up petals for Seokjin too. But he never seemed ill. Never ran off with his hand pressed against his mouth, desperately trying to keep it all inside.

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