+ Chapter 16.0

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There was a theme that seemed to repeated endlessly. Of him walking out to find his alpha in the same position, over and over and over again.

And it took his breath away. Had him standing there trying desperately to catch it.

He had been aware of it. Of course he had. It was impossible not to be. Yet it was somehow different now, a change that he hadn't even known was occurring.

It was a transformation that had seemed to occur over night. One day, they'd had their precious little bunny boy maknae.

And the next they'd been left with this.

There was nothing special about the way the alpha was currently dressed. No, it was exactly how he always looked. Tight jeans that showed off the thighs he had worked so hard so. And a loose button down shirt made from material so thin it was practically see through. Like he wanted to tease the entire world with little glimpses of what lie underneath.

It was all his now. Everything that Jungkook was. Everything that made this alpha so beautifully alluring, so alarmingly perfect was his.

Jungkook was his alpha.

"Damn." It was soft, nothing more than a whisper, but it was enough to draw him out of his thoughts. Had his eyes traveling upwards and realizing that the alpha's were straying in the opposite direction. "You look so pretty baby."

"Do you like it?" It wasn't the exact thing the alpha had wanted. Wasn't quite as pretty. Well thought out and put together.

But he could feel those eyes roaming over the length of his body. Felt them pause at the sight of those pale thighs, bare and just waiting to fall apart for his alpha.

"Yes." There was something sparking within those dark eyes. Like the first weak flames of a newly started fire. Like there was some internal struggle occurring that he would never understand. "Turn around for me?"

It felt silly. But he did it anyway. Did a slow, playful little twirl. Reached back and tugged the shirt up from where it fell, so it sat snug against his waist instead of hiding everything away. Heard the sharp intake of breath as his ass came in to view, all plump and round, encased in black cotton that was so tight it dug slightly into the soft skin of his thighs.

It felt silly. Until there were hands grasping his hips and lips pressing against the shell of his ear. Words being growled into it as he was being drawn back. Until he could feel the other's hardened length pressing into the cleft of his ass.

"Alpha." It was meant to be a protest. A sharp whine that would get him what he wanted. But instead it came out as a whimper, his body and spirit already intent on submitting. "What  about dinner?"

"That's not what I'm hungry for anymore." How could he be when there was something so much better right in front of him? Something so beautiful and perfect. Inches of smooth skin just begging to be touched.

"I just -" Got clean. Just spent all of that time making himself look so pretty. And now he was being wrecked again. Absolutely destroyed. And he didn't even care in the slightest.

"I told you alpha was going to make a mess out of you." He wanted that. He wanted that so much. Wanted the alpha to ruin him in all of the best ways. Leave him in a fucked out daze that he wouldn't be able to recover from.

"But I'm hungry." It was futile. An argument that he knew was going nowhere. Whatever had been intended for them to eat was going to be wasted. Left to rot on the counter top as they fed off each other instead.

"So am I." There were hands smoothing across his hips, pressing in against his lower belly. Slipping beneath the fall of the shirt he wore and sliding into the waist band of the tiny little shorts that were laughingly called underwear by whoever had created them. "You're going to be a good omega and feed your alpha, aren't you?"

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