+ Chapter 5.0

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He should have said no.

Every single part of him was aware of that fact. That he should have said no. Should have been smart enough to save himself.

But he wasn't. So all he could do was try and pretend this wasn't going to break him in a thousand different ways into a million different pieces.



He watched it through the large window on the far side of his room, bright early morning light pouring in through the cracks created by the thick curtains.

It was during these moments where he could pretend. Where he could close his eyes and try to wish his dreams into reality.

That the person who was holding onto him so tightly was doing it out of love instead of simply because they needed something to hold. Another warm body to keep them company.

But why him? Out of everyone, why was it always him?

Jimin would have allowed it. Had, in fact, multiple times. Occasionally he would even whine and complain about missing the cuddles that Jungkook used to give him so freely. And there would always be some joke about how his arms were only meant to hold Seokjin now.

He could twist those words if he truly wanted to.

But more and more he was coming to the devasting conclusion that Jungkook so often did things just to hurt him. Just to further bruise his already battered heart. He didn't - couldn't understand why. Wished he could figure out what he had done to deserve all of this.

That arm moved. Tightened and released and he heard the alpha's breathing pattern change. Knew that he was awake and knew that he should just pretend to still be asleep.

But even as his eyes fell closed he knew it was too late. Because the alpha was nuzzling into his neck, nose pressed against his scent gland and it was impossible to stop the sweetness from blooming. Like frosting on freshly baked cookies.

More torture that he allowed himself to endure in the name of love.

It was difficult to remember that he shouldn't be allowing this. That he should say no. That he should say no to all of it and simply pretend like none of it was happening.

Only it was too late. Now and for the future. Because lips were pressing against his pulse point and he was drawing in a sharp breath and he felt the alpha's body contract with the force of chuckle. Like he already knew he had won.

"You taste so good in the morning." He didn't know what he had been expecting. Or why he had even bothered to expect anything at all. Because nothing about Jungkook had turned out the way he thought it would.

And he wished he understood that too.

"Jungkook -" He tried. Tried to make the implication of no sound firm in that name. But it was impossible when his own voice betrayed him and shook.

"We never got to finish our talk last night." That arms tightened almost posessively, and he wondered if he was just imagining him. Had to be, because there was no way Jungkook would ever fell that over him.

"Is that what you call it?" He was so much better at putting disbelief into his tone instead of denial. "Because I just remember you trying to get in my pants."

"I can't help that I'm eager for you." Part of him - the part that was ruled by his stupid, ridiculous omega wanted to give in. Wanted to just wilt and flirt back and let the alpha have his way. Wanted to pretend that this was something else. Wanted to enjoy it while it lasted. Yet the rest of him held onto his pride. Held onto the knowledge that this wasn't some fairy tale and there wasn't going to be any happy ending.

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