+ Chapter 10.0

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A dream. That's what this had to be. Just some awful, never ending dream that he couldn't wake up from.

And he prayed with all of his might that none of this was real.


He woke alone, a distinct feeling that it was wrong falling over him the instant his eyes opened. Because there was meant to be someone else. Meant to be someone beside him. And as he reached over, he felt the remaining heat rapidly cooling against the chilled morning air.

Memories of the night before came rushing back, and he found himself falling against the soft pillows with a groan. He had been so foolish. Had let his omega take control, had given up the moment those petals had begun to fall.


He had thrown up petals in front of Jungkook.

The thought hit him like freight train. Had him bolting upright, spine ram rod straight as it all came back.

Jungkook had told him. Had admitted to the blossoms that had once wrapped around his ribs and nearly choked the life out of him. And he had fallen into his lap, practically begging to be taken because he was weak. Because his omega desperately wanted it's alpha and it had chosen wrong.

Hadn't it?

But he still loved Jungkook. No matter how hard he tried, he wasn't capable of stopping. Nothing, no amount of hurt would ever be enough. He was going to love Jungkook until he died.

Ironic, since that same love was going to be the cause.


It was strange. Being here again was strange. As he moved through the pathway he knew lead outwards, he took in the changes.

No longer was it completely barren, as if someone had ripped it apart, gutted it's insides with the intention of reforming them only to leave it instead.

There was actual furniture now. Sparse, yes, but there was something warm and inviting about it. Like someone had taken great care in picking out each piece, ensuring they would all flow and match.

Something caught his attention, snapped him out of his thoughts and he glanced towards the kitchen. Watched as the alpha moved across it, scraping what he thought had to be eggs from a pan onto seperate plates.

How could he face him? Now that he knew the truth.

Now that they knew each other's truth.

What did it even mean? Jungkook hadn't said he loved him still. Just that he had. Once. Actual years ago now. When he had been so young. Far too young to go through what he had.

And it was all because of him.

"Hey." It was gentle, yet it startled him from his intrusive thoughts. Had him jarring in his spot, shoulders jumping slightly as he looked upwards. "How are you feeling?"

"Awful." His voice was hoarse, a deep rasp that he barely recognized. Deep within his core there was an almost overwhelming nuasea that always came with his heats. He felt flushed and hot, like his skin was on fire. His head was already spinning, making him feel dizzy and weak.

But he was the one in control. Not his omega.

"Tell me what to do. Tell me how to make you feel better." A knot. A knot would make him feel so much better. And he knew the alpha's would be perfect. Would fit inside of him and plug him up so well.

He shook his head rapidly, trying to rid himself of the images that suddenly flooded his mind.

"Don't." It felt so close to what had been before. And he reached out to grasp the edge of the back of the near by sofa, feeling as if he suddenly needed the added support. "You don't deserve it, remember?"

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