+ Chapter 7.0

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He was foolish. There would never be any denying that.

A hopeless dreamer who could no more control the thoughts that formed within his mind than he could the heart that beat inside his chest.

Both of them were clouded. Hazy. Having fallen in far too deep.

And there was no going back.


He woke with the sun.

Sharp, bright rays falling over him and instantly he regretted not closing the thick curtains that hung along the walls made of glass. Because he desperately wished to sleep more. To forget the bed that he had made, both metaphorical and physical.

But there was no forgetting. Because there were heavy arms wrapped around him, their hold tight and possessive. Even if he wanted to move away, he couldn't.

Alpha pheromones flooded the air, and he tried to take a series of long, deep breaths through his mouth, closing off his nose to the scent that threatened to drown him. But it was too little too late and he was half drunk before he even realized what was happening.

There was a shift. Slow and calculating. And he felt the air around them transform. Knew that they had passed the point of no return and that there would be no going back.

"Omega." The word was nothing more than a dark growl pressed against his ear, and he didn't even hesitate to tilt his neck, exposing the long collum of his pristine throat. Free of the scars of any previous alpha's mark.

"Good morning, alpha." He knew how he was meant to act now. Knew that he was meant to be submissive and small. Meant to simply give in with no complaint. With no denial. He had already given his consent. Had already agreed to this, despite the long list of consequences that were sure to come after.

And part of him - most of him - wanted to act like that. Liked it even. Liked being a good omega. A perfect one. Liked pleasing his alpha. Giving himself over completely to be used as the other wished.

But there was still that tiny little piece that resisted. That wanted to protect what was left of his heart. Wrap it up and keep it hidden and safe.

Mentally he imagined that portion breaking off and being carried away, kept locked in a safe somewhere far from him, where he would no longer be able to destroy it. A fail safe. One last ditch effort of keeping him sane.

Mentally tried to separate the two sides of himself and focus solely on the one that wanted to be brought into the light. Tucked his usual self away and hoped it wouldn't break in the process.

Somehow, that made it okay. Made him able to give in. To stop fighting and let his omega take control.

"Mine." Something inside of him shattered. Broke into a thousand different pieces and landed before him in a jumbled pile. As if his mind couldn't keep from injuring him one last time.

"Jungkook -" His own voice sounded so desperately sad. Withdrawn. Like he could barely force it to be used. "Please. Don't. I can't take you saying things like that."

Couldn't take being claimed only to be thrown away.

"But you are." There were lips tracing across the shell of his ear, slipping downward to press against the rapid beat of his pulse point. "I chose you."

"No. You chose wrong. Remember?" His alpha had chosen wrong. He didn't want any omega like him.

Silence. Thick and heavy, filled with all of the tension he had felt since this entire thing had began, like a bubble waiting to burst and rain sadness and despair down over them.

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