+ Chapter 19.0

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And so it was.

That sometimes fairy tales bled into real life.


There was a sound coming from the direction of his door - a soft sort of knocking that he didn't understand. Because it sounded like it was near by, but yet it definitely wasn't being done against the actual surface.

Slowly it began to grow louder, until finally it repeated against the wooden barrier keeping him from the source. And he sighed as he pushed himself upward, muscles stiff and sore and weak. Because it had all happened so fast. Like a whirlwind he was still trying to recover from.

It was a storm that had been steadily brewing, hidden beneath the surface, pushed down by the own will and determination. Yet all of them knew it was coming. That it was only a matter of time. That he and Jungkook should be the catalyst seemed almost strangely poetic.

There was a certain hint of reluctance there that he could understand. He got it, really. He did. Felt it radiating off Taehyung in thick waves. Knew that Namjoon's eyes held disapproval at his poor decisions. Because to them that's all this was. Just him making poor terrible choices. Him bringing more heartbreak onto himself in order to benefit someone else.

In order to benefit an alpha that wasn't them.

So maybe it wasn't all reluctance and disapproval. Maybe some of it was jealousy.

It was expected from Namjoon. It was. Because he knew. He had always known. That the alpha's end game plan was for them to end up together. Like some renegade couple that had made it through everything the world had thrown at them only to come out together and complete on the other side.

And all of it had been ruined by some young alpha with bambi eyes and muscles who didn't even appreciate what he was getting.

For it to be displayed in Taehyung was shocking. But the two had always competed for his attention. There had always been a certain unspoken rivalry between them to see who could get the most. And he had always played right into it. Had always felt special that out of everyone it was his affection that they desired the most.

So maybe he should have expected it. When Jungkook was finally declared the winner and Taehyung found he hadn't even come close to earning second place. How could he when Jungkook took up all the spaces within his heart?

It was part of what had finally led them to pulling the trigger. To making the call that it was time for them to choose. Make some unspoken omega pact and try to straighten out these alpha's that the world had decided to make theirs.

And maybe, even a week before, he would have taken Taehyung. Would have asked for him instead. Because the truth was that he was exactly the sort of alpha he should have loved. Exactly the kind he should have wanted.

But it had come a week too late. And if it hadn't been for events transpiring in the way they had, it may never have come at all.

Still the sound pulled him out of his thoughts and he found himself moving forward, reaching out to slip the lock out of place, opening the door just enough to peak around it. Like somehow, if he didn't look hard enough, whoever it was would just disappear.

Only the sight before him was one he couldn't have ignored even if he tried.

"You gonna let me in, babe?" There was this smirk that so often crossed his alpha's features - all attractive confidence to the point that it almost began smug. And he couldn't even stand the things it did to him.

"Mm, I don't know. What's in it for me?" It felt amazing, being like this. So playful and flirty. Letting his natural charms come back out when they had been hidden away for so long. It was funny how he quickly he had started to come back into himself.

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