+ Chapter 1.0

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It all started so long ago.

It was funny now, how he could look back and still see it all. Every single moment would be alive in crystal clear color.

So long ago that he was certain everyone else had forgotten. That he was the only one who still carried those memories inside him.

He couldn't even blame them.

Because in the end, he was the only one it meant anything to.


Once, it had met something to all of them.

But the moment had come and gone and those feelings had faded. Until he was the only one who was left. Until he was the only one who remembered.

September First.

That date had always meant something. Would always mean something. But this one was different. Was unique.

Each of them had already gone through it before. Knew what was to come. Knew what to expect. Knew that when it was over the youngest member of their pack would be different. Forever changed both mentally and in their eyes.

Because one's nineteenth birthday was special for reasons beyond just growing one year older. For reasons beyond just becoming an adult in the eyes of the law.

It was also when those who were like them would present. Would finally show their true nature. Would transform seemingly over night into what they were meant to be.

He could still recall his own. Knew how nervous he had been before had. Knew what he had hoped for.

Being a beta would have been so much easier. Would have made his entire life go so much smoother.

But luck had never been on his side. And so he had ended up exactly as he had always knew he would.

As an omega.

Sometimes he wondered if that was part of why he had been chosen. Because of his own gentle nature. It made him good at being the oldest. At being a source of calm in a storm.

But he was an omega. And omega's couldn't possibly lead a pack. So they had chosen Namjoon instead. A skinny little freshly presented alpha who barely even knew which way was up most days.

But apparently, alphas were going to be the one thing they'd be in short supply of. A shocking fact that, by all statistics, just didn't make sense.

There were seven of them, and three possible outcomes. It made sense, going by the odds, that they would be two of each. But they hadn't.

Yoongi, as it turned out, despite all of his on screen bravado, was an omega just like him. Only he was the exact opposite of the text book definition of what one was supposed to be.

He admired that.

Next came Hoseok, their precious little ball of sunshine dancing machine. Who had presented - shockingly - as a beta. It always seemed to him that it would make more sense if his and Yoongi's roles were reverses. Their personalities seemed so mismatched to the lot's they had been given in life.

There was a lesson to be learned there. But he was always terrible at not learning things before it was too late.

Jimin was their third omega. And he could still remember being completely shocked at his presentation. Because it made no sense.

Actually, it made a ton of sense. Mostly because he knew Jimin. As hard as they had tried to turn them into bad boys back then, the other really was a giant soft ball of mochi. That nickname at least had been highly accurate.

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