+ Prologue

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He had tried.

He had.

To be perfect.

To be everything.

But it was never enough.

Enough to get him noticed. To get him seen.

It was only ever enough to break his heart.


Maybe if things had gone differently. If any one thing had changed. If the pieces hadn't lined up so perfectly, so readily.

Maybe it all wouldn't have hurt so badly.

But it was as if the universe it's self had wanted to set him up for failure. As if the cosmos had all worked together to ensure he would forever remain as he was.

Trapped in a vicious cycle with no end.


But there was an end. And he knew exactly how it would go. Knew that the end to his suffering was coming, rapidly growing stronger with each passing day.

Knew that his end was coming. And that there was only one way to stop it. To slow the progress of the infection that had settled deep in every fiber of his being.

But that was never going to happen. So he let go of the foolish hope and just tried to brace for impact.

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