+ Chapter 6.0

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There was going to be nothing left of his heart.

There was barely anything left now. And what remained was constantly falling from his lips in a stream of darkness and petals.


"Jin?" He almost sighed at the sound of Namjoon's voice rising over the constant drone of everyone else's. Barely kept it inside as he twisted to find their fearless leader suddenly invading his personal space. "Could I speak with you?"

He couldn't say no. Because if he did it was would set a precedence. That Yoongi and Hoseok were free to deny their leader's authority as well. He had always tried to give the example that they should listen. That they should trust in this alpha they had chosen to be their leader.

Yet more and more he was starting to deny his own confidence, not just in this, but in everything.

"We have a performance, Joonie-ah. Can't it wait?" He tried to look cute. Innocent. Put that sparkle into his eyes that always made everyone fall for whatever he was saying. But the truth was that they had to be on stage in less than two hours, and considering how difficult getting through the sound and lighting check had been, he needed all the time he could get to prepare.

Because Jungkook hadn't left his side. Had practically clung to him for the entire duration. And sure, it could easily be explained away as simply being his rut getting impossibly close and their timing being exceptionally bad - but he had constantly felt the eyes of Taehyung watching their every move. And he knew it that no one would believe that excuse.

"Not really." Because it had taken this long to get the two separated. And it might very well be their only chance. "I really don't want to do this but -"

"Oh don't pull that alpha shit with me." And maybe that was why Namjoon just wasn't attractive to him - he did things like that. Gave him a warning like he was somehow frightened enough of some mystical alpha power to simply do whatever was being asked of him.

He wasn't. Because those orders never worked on him.

Sure, his omega would whine. Would complain that an alpha was telling them something and they should listen. Would try and compel him. But it never worked.

"Listen -" It was little more than a hiss, and he felt his eyes practically roll into the back of his head as the other male crowded in further. Until he was whispering harshly into his ear. "- I'm asking for five minutes, Seokjin."

"I still remember the last thing you asked me to do. Look how well that's turning out." Jungkook was right. He was a mouthy omega. And he didn't care if that meant no one was going to want him, because right now he was so irritated he was seeing red.

"You didn't have to agree." But he did. Because the way it had been presented left no other choice.

"Oh but I did, didn't I? Can't have some random omega infiltrating the pact. How would all of us react?" His voice lifted then, growing a little bit louder than he intended. And he barely caught the sight of Taehyung out of the corner of his eye, simply shaking his head before leaning in to whisper something to Jimin.

"Will you stop being a -"

"Yeah, I think that's enough." Why was it always Taehyung who was coming to his rescue lately? Sweet, quirky Taehyung. His little honey bear who had always been such a good boy. He was grown up now though, wasn't he? Standing so tall, exuding so much confidence. Challenging their leader. "Jinnie Hyungie?"

Instantly he felt the anger begin to fall away, the edges of his vision slowly coming into perfect clarity where they had been blurred by his own emotions.

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