+ Chapter 21.0

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September first.

That date had always meant something. Would always mean something. But this one was different. Was unique.

It seemed like so long ago now. A memory that he was certain only he carried anymore. A moment in time that had changed the course of his life. A shift in the surrounding atmosphere that had made everything so different.

That had made everything better.


"We need to have a discussion." It had been actual years since they'd called anything resembling a formal meeting, reverting back to the more laid back family style affairs they'd always relied on.

Usually that meant who ever was currently experiencing the issue would ambush them all while they were eating.

Which was, unfortunately, exactly what Namjoon had chosen to do. Waited until they were all settled in, scattered around the space they occasionally shared, mouths too full of well deserved food to be able to protest.

"If this is about what happened yesterday I told Hobi Hyung I was sorry!" Taehyung whined out around a mouthful, spewing crumbs all over whoever was misfortunate enough to be near by.

"What? No this is - wait. What did you do now?" Clearly Namjoon hadn't gotten the memo. Or more likely, Hoseok was just too traumatized to share the information with everyone.

"Oh. Uh. Nothing. No thing. That's what happened." It was amusing, watching Taehyung attempt to back track so rapidly.

"I walked in to this one -" Hoseok spoke then, pointing one long finger at the alpha. "- trying to get it in with this one -" He repeated the same action towards an unamused looking Yoongi. "- in my studio. My. Studio. Seriously, do I get no privacy around here? At least Hyungie and the kid had the decency to get their own place and the two of you just soiled my desk! I'm gonna have to get a new one now!"

"Oh-kay. Sorry I asked." Namjoon often looked like he was so incredibly done with all of them and their over dramatics. But they all knew there was no where else he's rather be.

"We're all sorry you asked." Jimin rolled his eyes, before putting his arm on one of Taehyung's bent knees, resting his weight against him. "So what was so important, oh great leader-nim?"

"Huh?" After that it was exceptionally difficult to remember what he wanted to say in the first place.

Until the walking, talking reminder stood up to reach forward to try and snag the last of something before anyone could get to it.

"Oh, right. We really need to talk about Jungkook and whatever the holy fuck is happening because I for one am tired of being shown up."

"We knew it was gonna be over for us when he turned twenty." Yoongi finally spoke from the dark corner he had chosen for himself, curled up in a ball and covered with a thick blanket, more content to nap than eat.

"Happiness is a good look for him though." Hoseok added, before winking over in their general direction.

"Aw, look at him. You guys are making him blush." Indeed there was a soft tint of pink starting to dust across the maknae's nose and cheeks, and Seokjin reached out to ghost his fingers along the line of it as Jimin spoke.

"Don't listen to them. You look amazing, Kookie." Taehyung interrupted, referring to the new look that their youngest had taken on in the recent year.

Dark hair shaped with a sharp undercut that had grown out to the point it could be pulled back. Black ink etched into his skin until the entire right arm was practically covered. Slowly, the youngest had become quieter, embracing his inner introvert. Had stopped caring so much what everyone thought and just did what made him happy. Had finally come into himself and stopped trying to please everyone around him.

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