6 - WTF

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Standing there in that swimsuit felt like ages. And having those them phantom troupe members staring at me the whole time was the most annoying and embarrassing thing ever. And during this whole thing, all of a sudden I was knocked out cold. 




(Third person POV)
At the phantom Troupe took the girl to their hideout, during this time Feitan (to all y'all Feitan fan girls or guys *wink wink*) was carrying Y/N. In a shaky (Idk😀) swimsuit, just note this if Y/N was awake she would probably but on fire from this embarrassment and Feitan is maybe low-key checking her out. But if he were to say that, what would the others think? I mean she is an idol, many guys or girls would check her out if they saw her in this shaky outfit. But little did he know the others were also checking out, maybe even the females of the phantom troupe. But who knows???

Then they finally made it to their hideout, Y/N still out cold and basically naked. Not truly but basically. And as soon as they got there the others started staring as well. (LET'S JUST SAY Y/N RLY HOT IMEAN SHE'S A MODEL/IDOL/SINGER SO DUH ALSO JUST SO YOU KNOW I'M NOT TRYING TO MAKE OVERWEIGHT FEEL BAD. BECAUSE I'M A BIT OVERWEIGHT TOO SO yeah IDK kill me ok bye-) 

Chrollo stares at the girl intensely for at least a minute before speaking,

Chrollo stares at the girl intensely for at least a minute before speaking,

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"Pakunoda and Machi take her to one of our spared rooms until she wakes up... Also, change her outfit into something more... appropriate..."

The two nodded before Machi carried the Y/N on her shoulders and heading to the spare rooms. It was clear that all of the Phantom Troupe were a bit... surprised...


(Y/N's POV)

Waking up to an unknown ceiling made me yeet myself off on my feet. Then noticing the two ladies I saw before and feeling a string on my neck. All I could do was stand there and stare until I asked,

"Who are you two?"

I mentally face-palmed cause I knew they were of the phantom troupe but not their names. This might be a long night...

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