19 - No words needed

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I hated the feeling of someone against me so harshly as well, it made me feel intoxicated in the worse way possible. But his touch was different, it was hard enough to hold me down yet gentle in its own way.

Then as soon as he bit onto once more I finally snapped out of this trance. I pushed against him finally escaping his grip and falling against the door. His eyes were as dark as always with a new sly smirk portrayed on his lips.

Before either of us said anything I opened the door behind me and left without a word. Running a bit as I made it back with the others, with a raging feeling in the pit of my stomach.

'What the fuck is wrong with me?! Was I really getting off at some guy shoving me against the ground and biting me?'

I yelled to myself as I claimed my breath, slowly walking to Shisuku and Shalnark who were talking about something before I joined in. Then the blonde haired guy asked me a question,

"So Chrollo is sending Machi and Nobunaga off to see if they can find the Chain user. As well as a few others to find information. Wanna join?"

"Sure but I can't really be in public during the day so."

Shalnark pulled onto Kortopi, almost holding to him as a baby in the air.

"Don't worry that's why we have Kortopi and money!"

"Please put me down."

Shizuku almost laughed at the scene while I smiled a bit. Then I asked as I looked between the two.

"So who am I going with?"

"Probably Machi", the black haired girl said as she looked for her pinked haired peer.

I sighed in relief, not wanting to go with certain individuals at the moment (Shortie Emo boi). I nodded at the two then waited for us to leave as dawn was soon approaching.

"Oh by the way, I got some news that they're be putting bounties on our heads. Well the few of us that were seen at the auctions."

Shalnark said to me as was about to head over to Machi.

"Don't worry you're not among them, just be careful." I nodded and said my short goodbyes before heading out with Machi and Nobunaga. Also having the disguise Kortopi had made for me in hand.

'Hopefully everything goes to plan.'

I think to myself as I walk along side Machi and the older man Nobunaga I've never really talked to. But before we leave, I see Pakunoda and Feitan talking. I stare at the two before the both of them look my way. I can't help but feel the glare of Feitan, as if he is mad or upset.

And with that I make a promise to myself, no hard feelings for anyone. Just keep to yourself and go though with this as if it's a job not your lifestyle. Just worry for yourself, not the pleasure of people.

Especially his...


HEY GUYS- it's been a while since the last chapter. I'm sorry this one's short and took so long. I've just had so much happen in the past year. And I really didn't know how I wanted this story to end especially since the mangas of Hunter x Hunter had finally announced the series will continue!!! So that's also a factor at play. I really want to end this fanfic before or during season 6 cause the story is quite a long one if you've really read it. Anywho that's the new chapter of my fanfic, 'An Idol?!'

Hope you enjoy and wait for the next chapter!!

An idol? (Phantom Troupe x reader)Where stories live. Discover now