11 - Auction Pt.2

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(GON!! KILLUA!! LET'S GET IT!! Let's get this action started already, Bought to you by Feitan abs) 

I sigh for the 100 times today as I step out the car arrived in. It looks like not many people are allowed near the auction site. But there seem to be some people watching from afar (cough Melody and Kurapika). I walk towards the doors with my two bodyguards by my side. As we reach the doors my phone rings. Oh yeah, I almost forgot no one allowed to bring cellphones into the auction site. But before I go in, I check my phone.


Be prepared for anything

Well, thanks for the tip. But I already know that. We're in Mafia territory for God's sake, I sigh again as I give one of the entry guard my phone before shutting it off. I walk through the metal scanner, towards the waiting room. Still, with my two by my side bodyguards, I stand towards the front of the waiting room. Analyzing everyone in the room, noticing that they're a lot of Mafia bosses and leaders in this room. Some seem to be staring at me, others seem not to care, and honestly, I don't either. All I'm here to do is "help" the phantom troupe steal the merchandise of the underground auction.

Waiting till it's my time to shine not really but whatever. I sigh as I see my Manger, Rudy walk into the room in a suit.

"Wow, I have to wear this thing called a  dress and she gets a suit," I whisper to myself.

Rudy walks up to me.

"Hey starlight dumbnut"

"Thanks for the nickname..." I say a bit bored and worried.

Rudy seems to notice this.

"Hey, you okay starlight?" (Rudy calls us starlight Idk I was bored)

Yeah, I'm fine Rudy. Just working for the phantom troupe and may be the cause of these Mafia leader's deaths. But I guess they deserve this anyways, after all, most of them are killers anyways so the phantom troupe is just doing the world a favor. *metal sigh* What the hell am I saying?! I start to daydream into staring at the rest of the people here.

"Hey," Rudy waves a hand over my face.

"No need to be nervous, you may be annoying but you got this. Just sing your heart out and ignore these old men full of perverts. And I may not be here any longer, I got to deal with something outside."

I nod at her... Wait Rudy is leaving me?! I guess it's fine cause she won't die. I'm pretty sure the phantom troupe is gonna kill everyone here. Why didn't I wear a red or black dress?

Rudy walks away while I'm still with my bodyguards. Oh shit, they might die too.

"Hey, you too.." I tell my bodyguards.

They look at me.

"There's no point of you to being here since this place has so many people guarding it already. You should go with Lady Rudy.."

"But my lady-" "We couldn't do such a-"

"I'm the one paying you right.."

They nod.

"Then go with Lady Rudy and guard her."

Like she even needs it, her yelling would probably kill anyone. Even the phantom Troupe heh. (Uvo got nothing on Rudy 💅💅 Jk Jk)

They nod again then turn to leave with Rudy. I notice that the auction seems about to start, which means I sing after it. Well, there's nothing gonna be after since everyone here is probably gonna die. Well not me but I gotta be careful.

Everyone sits and I notice that two people walk onto the stage. A short-

Oh god, it's short emo boi, and who's the older guy again... He kinda looks like a Frankenstein or a giant dead body, to be honest. I gotta ask them their names soon before I call them by these weird nicknames.

Then two are now in the middle of the stage, emo boi starts to talk into the Mic.

"Uhh, I would like to welcome you to the underground auction.."

Everyone starts to look at Emo boi and Frankenstein dude. I can tell that this is a bit awkward for Emo boi. Maybe he doesn't talk that much to others or hates public speaking. What am I saying?! They're the phantom troupe, they don't do public speaking. But honestly same I hate talking in public. That's why Rudy does it for me. Anyways stop talking to yourself and pay attention!!

"Enough Formalities... Let us get to the business at hand, shall we?"

Oh shit, Frankenstein dude starts to left his arms... I sense his nen aura begin to show as his fingers pop off his hands with tiny chains onto his hands. Emo boi covers his ears. I stand up as Frankenstein dude says,

"Time for you to die.."

That's my queue. I teleport myself onto the stage. There's no way I'm gonna die because of not moving out of the way. The second after I get on stage I hear gunshots and screams of horror. I look towards the scene and all the blood everywhere with bodies falling onto the ground.

As I just stare at the scene Emo boi walks away from Frankenstein to me. I gulp as he stands in front of me.

"You.." He says lowly.

"Yes-s?" I say a bit shuttering. Damn it why am I shuttering?!

"This is from the boss.." He hands me a folded piece of paper.

I take it into my hand after touching a bit of emo boi's hand in the process. I open the paper and read it.


Dear Y/N

As your task in this mission, you are supposed to play as kidnapped from the auction. We'll set you free after you guys get back with the merchandise safely and soundly. Don't worry I told the others not to harm you in any way even if you are gonna play to our advantage. Be sure to act well.



Well, guess I'm kidnapped now... Yay-

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