14 - On their lap??!!

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(Guys so many people voted so I choose between the two top votes Feitan and Machi, we'll have a little war between who gets Y/N :D I will choose I'm the end but thank you all for voting I was so happy when people really voted. So if you have any ideas for future chapters I would over to hear them cause I can't think for shit. anyways time for the chapter. Also I'm looking for anyone I mean anyone that would like to rp. I'm rp on discord and rly wanna rp with new people, if so say in the comments and I'll give you my discord account. Hope someone does, Byeeee)

As we drove and followed the people that took Uvo, I sat in the most uncomfortable spot. That being on top of Machi's lap, yes machi's lap. It was either on the roof of the car, feitan's lap, or Machi's lap. Not to be rude to Feitan/emo shortie but I would probably curse him and I don't wanna sit on him honestly. But that besides the point I'm sitting on Machi's lap since shizuku is sitting in the front with Shalnark while Feitan, Machi, Nobunaga, and me are sitting in the back. I went to jump out of this car so bad. But my job is to be their so called hostage. Whatever I just wait to leave as fast as I but know cause of this "chain user" I gotta stay longer.

I sigh mentally as we're still driving after them, the others in the car chat a bit before some person jumps onto the trunk of the car. In a hurry everyone jumps out of the car, everyone but Nobunaga. The person that jumped on the car seems to have a nen ability similar to Shisuku. A giant cloth went over the car and trapped it and Nonbunaga in a small travel size bag. This kinda reminded me as well of my nen ability but won't he have to take out all the things at once. It's most of a one time bag that has one exit that everything will come out of if you open it. Then the rest of the shadow beasts showed up, meaning who ever took Uvo wasn't a shadow beast. The phantom troupe killed the rest of the shadow beasts except the owl. But now we gotta be even more cramped and that small car.

"Hey Y/N,"

I turned to machi with the Owl in her nen threads.


"You won't be able to sit on my lap this time since I gotta have this guy tired up. So I talked to Feitan he'll let you sit on him till we get back to the hideout." "Ms. Haven is with you guys-" . Machi was interrupted by the owl guy.

"shut it unless you want your neck cut in half..." she retorted back at her actual hostage.

Wait, I have to sit on emo shortie's- I mean Feitan' slap?! But ain't I to heavy?! And why they made that decision with out me being present?! Urgh whatever as long as he doesn't try anything. Who am I minding he won't try anything, right?

-After we got back to that hideout-

The ride was still awkward as fuck and so cramped. I'm never sitting in a car again- that's a lie but still. I was sitting on someone's lap for god's sake (I mean if I were you Y/N, I would be so fucking happy to sit on Feitan' slap 🤤👌)

The Owl gave up the merchandise but now we have to wait till shalnark finds where Uvo is. I have no patience plus I don't know who to talk to. Machi seems chill with talking to me. Feitan isn't even looking my way after the whole lap incident thing. And I don't really know about the others. But after a while the girls seems to be nice enough to chat with me about normal topics like idk life. But everything else seems fine but that clown guy Hisoka is really creeping me out and somehow suspicious. I have a weird feeling about him. Besides that I just hope I go home to sleep. *insert mental dramatic long sigh*


Heyyy guys it's me  like I said if y'all have any ideas for this I rly hope you write them and also if you wanna rp with me on discord say in the comments!! Hope you liked this weird chapter!!! Thanks for reading!!!

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