Chapter 17: Frolicking Storm

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Full title: Frolicking Storm, a quiet catastrophe

Credits to the creator for the picture on top btw.

This timeline is a few years before they meet for Fury's mini party.

Then, after one of the time skip, it is when Gokudera goes to the party.

Let's assume that khr universe's history is same as our world's. Since the mafia in khr world has omérta and so normal people does not know of the supernatural world. So the history is normal in the eyes of the common people.

Gokudera was very happy. His parents dotes on him and he has a cute little sister called Amber who follows him around in a way that just hits his soft spot. Not that he was going to tell her that. In fact, he glares at her just to scare her off, so that his impulse on squeezing her with a big hug and an idiotic expression on his face does not occur. He is definitely not a sis-con!!! Hayato blames his parents genetics for causing him to be more prone to doting on people.

Although he does not see his mother often, the time that he spent with her tells him that his mother also loves to dote on him and his sister excessively. He just hopes that his little sister does not grow up spoilt in this environment...

Hayato had long known that this world was not the same world where he came from. By looking at the history of this world, Hayato concluded that he was in a parallel world. Because, there was just no way that his previous world would have a walking American flag! In spandex! Being a walking flag is bad enough, being in spandex tops the cake of it being an absolute fashion disaster in his books. And that is saying something as he does not even comment Byakuran's family's working pure white clothes.

Pure white! Who in the right mind will love the colour pure white to this absurd degree! And Gokudera does not even bat an eye at that because despite the colour choice, the design was quite intricate and stylish. Much to his dismay as he could not nit-pick anything about it.

But this! Oh kami-sama help him, because that costume is an absolute fashion catastrophe! Reborn would definitely send him flying back into the room and ask him to reflect on his fashion choice of a work clothes if Gokudera ever dresses like that...

Not that he would.

Gokudera cringes as he imagine himself wearing a spandex.

And the mask... Oh don't even let him get started on the mask. In the first place, is it even necessary? I mean like everyone can get the picture of you without the mask on the internet anyway. So why the mask? It is just so unpractical! Gokudera was speechless when he first looked up on the information on Captain America.

As for why he even looked up on the information about the Avengers in the first place? Well, let's just say curiosity killed the cat. Since everyone in his school was either fangirling or fanboying about the Avengers, he wanted to know what's the hype so about.

Gokudera regretted it.


Why? Well, he got to know that a certain insane sky was here. With no sign of Tsuna stopping him, Gokudera might as well deduces that Tsuna has still not reincarnated here or that Tsuna had no memories of his previous life or that Tsuna will not re-. Actually ignore the last deduction, Gokudera could not imagine how they would survive Byakuran's insanity without Tsuna putting a stop to it at one point. Thinking of that had caused Gokudera to have shivers running down his spine.

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