Chapter 21: When the skies meet

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Full title: When the skies meet, the world is (somewhat) in harmony

Went to rewatch Captain America: Civil War. Haha.

On another note, I got covid... The sore troat and blocked nose is really not pleasant. Then again, it's kinda a better outcome compared to some... so can't really complain, but I really want to, so I'm just gonna rant. So... this is kinda the first time in a while that I got this sick. At most it would coughing occasionally daily due to my asthma and sneezing and having blocked nose due to my love of air con. But this, this is irritating to a whole new level. I don't feel any fatigue though, though the cough makes it kinda hard for me to do my notes...

Btw, happy birthday to me, well belated, but still! I totally forgot to publish this yesterday. Haha.

Welp, that's all for the rant, enjoy~

Yuni opened her eyes to this new world and the first thing she thought was:

...Byakuran's definitely had too much marshmallows in this life.

Due to the fact that the trinisette wasn't working in this world, her ability to foresee the future went haywire for a moment and showed her a redundant thing until she got it under control again.

Then again, it was not exactly redundant as she now knows that Tsuna and her would have to start regulating the amount of marshmallows that Byakuran was allowed to eat per day.

Speaking about regulating someone's diet, she randomly wonders how Reborn is right now.

Nevermind, scratch that, she managed to glimpse on what he's doing now and it was not pretty. If handled wrongly, those reincarnated may face a mysterious nation named Wakanda. Then again, with her ability, the mystery was like an open story book for her to see.

Even if she doesn't want to see it, the book will still be fling to her face and force her to see it until she can get use to the overwhelming powers of her ability due to the lack of a trinisette.

She wonders again whether Reborn managed to resolve the situation he got himself into and got smacked in the face with the answer.

...she really, really needs to stop doing that.

Or else she may as well accidentally see a large event that may happen in the future...

Yuni suddenly had a glimpse of a war between a purple giant and earth.

She really wanted to cry badly...

How was it fun that she got the answers without the journey of getting said answers!?

In the end, she did cry because of a hit to the buttocks as the doctor was anxious since there were no sound coming from her ever since she had came out a few seconds ago.

Looks like she urgently need to try to control her abilities as soon as possible!


Her new mother had decided that she was going to have a playdate today with a certain Tia's son. And that the playdate would be in their house backyard so he mother bustled about to get ready for their playdate.

She habitually wonders how old was the son and ended up knowing who the son was...

What a small world.

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